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posted on Friday, March 31 2023, 01:19 PM in Game Suggestions
Good Day GMs/Admins

I just noticed that whenever I open my warehouse and other inventory window options, It keeps going back to its overlapping places. Can we also have a lock option to keep the inventory windows' respective places to where we placed them to be just like the Skill Bars where there is a lock icon/option for the system to memorize our preferred settings. I suggested this because its really frustrating when you have to drag them over and over again. ^_^,v,,

Please feel free to disregard if the same has already been posted. I must have missed it. Thank You So Much for taking initiatives to take and consider our suggestions.
Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Friday, March 31 2023, 06:29 PM #Permalink
    Your inventory windows should already remember their last position. The position of most UI elements are saved when you close the game. The lock on the skillbars is just preventing you from accidently moving the bars or moving or removing the skill buttons - the actual position of the bars is saved when you close the game just like other UI elements.

    I think what you might be seeing is when you open certain other UI windows that automatically open your inventory too - like the Auction House, Extract, Vendors etc. I think in those cases the inventory windows get repositioned to the right side of the screen - but the next time you open your actual inventory yourself it should be using the saved position as normal. I guess it is kind of annoying. I remember wondering if I should remove that repositioning stuff and just always use the saved position but it could end up with your inventory windows hidden behind the other windows.
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  • Accepted Answer

    replied on Saturday, April 01 2023, 01:43 AM #Permalink
    Oh yeah that could be a big problem if we lock it and it got behind other windows
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