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Moesin Moesin
posted on Wednesday, July 11 2018, 03:24 AM in Game Suggestions
While playing this game now for 2 or 3 weeks now LOL i know my newb is showing. Anyways some things id like to see in the game is an alarm clock that we can set. I get absorbed in my game and the time flies so I tend to end up forgetting to vote then i miss out on my tears. So id like a clock i can set in game to go off when its time for me to go vote. Yes i know i could use my cell phone. But with the small children sleeping in the house i dont want it going off at like say 2 am lol. Doesn't need to be any thing crazy fancy just some thing that could pop up on my screen similar to Battle Ground Invites.

Next item is just a simple notepad currently using the notepad on my phone for various things ive made notes of on the game but again i get really absorbed in it at times an hate to turn my head from the screen to search the notes on my phone.

Can we get the option to adjust spell particale/effects density. I think it would help with the lag in dungeons an raids that people (like myself that play on toasters of pc's) from laggin out during events.

Can we get the option to adjust the screens brightness. Some of the zones like the snow and desert zones are to bright on my eyes and i can only stay in them for a limited amount of time.

Yeah i know this just a big ole pile of i want i want i want but lol figured it never hurts to ask.
Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, July 11 2018, 07:48 PM #Permalink
    Thanks for the suggestions, always appreciated, but some of this stuff is kind of redundant since you are playing on a PC and most of this stuff is built right into Windows already - can't you just alt-tab out of the game (or not even need to alt-tab if you play in windowed mode) and make use of those?

    It would be nice if there was an option to reduce the amount of player and monster skill effect visuals but it's not that simple unfortunately. They can either be on or off really, and turning them off is not an option since a lot of monster skills depend on them for the player to know what is coming and what they should do - not all, but a lot of the boss effects at least. Some monster skills DO have a lot of unnecessary effects though and I do actively make changes to them as I come across them. If you know of any just let me know so I can check and adjust.

    Screen brightness - you should use your graphics card control panel for that. The brightness controls were removed from the game a few patches ago as it was badly implemented and also interfering with some new stuff I'm working on. I didn't feel it was worthwhile to spend time rewriting it since it's not really something most people even touch that often and it's just as convenient to do it in your control panel.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Moesin Moesin
    replied on Thursday, July 12 2018, 03:45 AM #Permalink
    okies ty for the reply
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