I have gathered all the PK'd souls from Arcana! I have turned them into blood thirsty beasts that plan to take over Terminus. It's up to the players of the server to band together and wipe out the beasts before they close to Terminus!
What is it? -
I have picked a map and zoned the areas into Easy, Normal, Medium, Hard and Hell.
You will be given 15 minutes, so from when I say the map name in the announcements, that is when the timer will start.
I will then post a image showing the different zones onto this thread so then you can choose which zone you can teleport to.
If you manage to eliminate all foreign mobs and bosses from the map in 15 Minutes. The server will receive 50% BF Event Buff & 50% Drop Rate Event Buffs for 48 Hours.
If you lose however, every minute you're over the time limit, you lose 5% of each Event Buff. So each minute that passes, you lose 5% on the Buffs.
Start Date &
End Date - 30/03/2014
Start Time - 2pm GMT+0 (
Server Time)
Prizes - 50% BF Points & Drop Rate for 48 Hours
Penalty - Each minute that passes, you lose 5% on the Buffs.
Rules &
Guidelines -
You don't need to be in a party/raid to join the event, all levels can join in and help, if an area is too hard, try look for lower level mobs you can kill.
If you don't wanna be apart of the event, that's your choice. We do not need to hear about it in megaphone.
We will do our best to limit the lag on the server but NO PROMISES
Have fun~ : )
Mobs and Bosses to expect (Not every monster or boss will be added)
Easy - Logging area, Shebuz Snowfield, Resource Mine & Shrouded Valley & Conflict Valley Mobs. Bosses & Mobs from CN, LN and DN.
Normal - Frozen Nest, Hidden Cavern 1F, Hidden Cavern 2F & Hidden Cave & Wind Basin Mobs. Bosses & Mobs from LH & WGN.
Medium - Red Sand Hill, Warrior's Refuge, Twilight Quarry, Eye of Annes & Spirit's Shelter Mobs. Bosses & Mobs from DH & CH.
Hard - Night's Forest, Corrupt Valley, Nightfall Shelter, Ursadine Highlands & Colossus Shadowfield Mobs. Bosses & Mobs from DI, ToA & TLC.
Hell - Abysmal Shore, Sandfall Desert, Pandan Cove & Pandahama Island & Golden Temple N Mobs. Bosses & Mobs From CI, WGI, ToAH, Fake Ulrics,
World bosses may make an appearance. You never know.
Any GMs that can be on for 2pm Server time, the help would be soooooo