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Chiga Chiga
posted on Wednesday, July 11 2018, 01:15 PM in Game Suggestions
I want to suggest several changes in the system.

Let's start changing the pets
Why not make the range of attack as the master. 10m range so small - sorry ><
I'm really tired of calling a dead pet so he died again in 3 seconds (I mean aoe boss)

And now the main thing! What does the rating do? How does it help? Is it useful?
I want to offer a settlement system. Now is random. Hero Rating dont work. I want a real rating calculation:

Blue Team
1 hero - 2567
2 hero - 4014
3 hero - 2319
Total [8900]

Red team
1 hero 2600
2 hero 2140
3 hero 4260
Total [9000]

Of course there will always be errors and I understand that it is impossible to track two identical classes, meaning a healer/tanks. If you explain how the rating works, or is it stupid? I do not want to think that the rating was created for bragging.

And a small addition to the auction. How much gold was spent in the history of purchases for all time.
Responses (8)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, July 11 2018, 02:30 PM #Permalink
    When a battlefield starts and teams are created, all players that signed up and entered are ordered by their highest obtained Hero Rating and then assigned to either red or blue team.

    1 Player 4000 > Red team
    2 Player 3900 > Blue team
    3 Player 3500 > Red team
    4 Player 3400 > Blue team
    5 Player 3300 > Red team
    6 Player 3200 > Blue team

    etc. etc.

    Red team is not necessarily first pick, that is random too, could be blue team first sometimes. So red team will not always get the highest rated player.

    Hero Rating itself is calculated on the quality of your equipped items, the quality of the cards, how much they are enhanced and if they are using the special (coloured) enhancements, your wearing card quality, title quality, mantle quality, skill point total, guild skill total etc. etc.

    Currently the formulas used to calculate the quality of items such as armor, weapons and accessories is by level and rarity type, which means a level 100 Epic Wonderland helm will have the same score as a level 100 Epic Dead Man's Peak helm, so it's not too fine grained at the moment but I have been working on a gear scoring system that when used will make it much more accurate.

    The battlefield team system is not perfect, you can still get several healers on one team, or several of the same class, or somebody with great gear that can't play their class, but I believe it's better than before where it was completely random and you could end up with all the strong players on one side.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, July 11 2018, 07:38 PM #Permalink
    Sorry I forgot to answer the other things.

    Pet range - ranged pets default to 10m, the same as ranged player skills. We probably need some pet items that have +Range on them, or a self buff skill or passive that increases it.

    AH gold spend. Why exactly? I can't really think of why that information would be useful.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Chiga Chiga
    replied on Thursday, July 12 2018, 04:36 AM #Permalink
    I knew that it would be so. This is sad truth. Yesterday I again joined the match in my team was lucky there were strong players at much more Hero Rating than the enemy. I know which weapons / cards / armor they use. I suggest that the set of commands is the result of all team ratings. Just add the total number of ratings.

    About pets:
    Items? No with range of attack.
    Pet skills? They add plus only 1M = 11m range - that DONE

    About gold:
    It's just interesting. I agree with this nonsense.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Moesin Moesin
    replied on Thursday, July 12 2018, 04:58 AM #Permalink
    Oooooohhh this, yes this, can we have this? I wont lie as an SS i was shocked an sad when i found out my aura didnt effect my pet. Can we get that option for our aura's to effect our pets?

    I know jack squat about coding, how hard would it be to add like say +2 or +3 range to all pet gear so that way when you had a full set of pet gear you'd have like an extra 10 to 15 range for your ranged pet.

    As a avid petaholic and dna hunter i was shocked to see that as we lvl i wont say pets are useless but they dont live any more in encounters other then when your out just farming general trash mobs and at that point they just arent needed. They was great at lower lvls but after a point they just dont live any more.

    Can we get an increase to the amount of times per day we can run Hall of Elements? or would it destroy the game if we just removed the limit all together? Maybe cut the exp an sxp in half so that people just dont spam runs to lvl their alts? with the loot being random drops your looking at really good while before its worth it to use the moolah evolve agent. is there a moolah option for +5 +10 or +15 to all stat intensifiers for pets? Im pretty sure there is a random moolah box for pet stat intensifiers

    Can we get an increase to the amount of pets we have in stables? I'd pay $5.00 to double my pet stables.

    LOL 1 more thing....I swear im going to get banned always typing I want I want I want posts. But how difficult would it be to have a special chest graphic appear when ever DNA drops. Nothing fancy just a visual que to say HEY! come check this box we have DNA here. Maybe have just the letters DNA appear above the chest box so that way it can match the colors of what ever the chest is that the dna is in? ok ill stop here for today
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, July 12 2018, 10:09 AM #Permalink
    Chiga wrote:
    About pets:
    Items? No with range of attack.
    Pet skills? They add plus only 1M = 11m range - that DONE

    I said:
    We probably need some pet items that have +Range on them, or a self buff skill or passive that increases it.

    I did not say there are already items and pet skills with +range for pets :)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Aleksandra Aleksandra
    replied on Thursday, July 12 2018, 07:18 PM #Permalink
    I want more pets too :D can pay for slots also haha

    and about range - agree - need to do something always dead :(
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  • Accepted Answer

    Chiga Chiga
    replied on Sunday, July 15 2018, 08:13 AM #Permalink
    Sedy wrote:

    I said:
    We probably need some pet items that have +Range on them, or a self buff skill or passive that increases it.

    I did not say there are already items and pet skills with +range for pets :)

    I was inattentive. Sorry. Yes it would be wonderful something with the range of the attack.
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  • Accepted Answer

    JoD JoD
    replied on Sunday, July 15 2018, 12:29 PM #Permalink
    About Hero rating, It's really useless, because sin 3k rating can easy kill sorc 3.8k
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