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Kidkilowat Kidkilowat
posted on Tuesday, September 16 2014, 12:50 AM in General Chat
Haven't played in a while and looked through tons of posts but didn't see what I was looking for.

Basically I am just wondering what the usual gearing path for a new character after the lvl 30 uniques (45-75). For example, do people still bother getting the lvl 45 epics in Frozen Nest, and stuff like that.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks =)
Responses (5)
  • Accepted Answer

    Fenris Fenris
    replied on Monday, December 15 2014, 10:08 PM #Permalink
    Personally I would say no, because of the fast exp gain you would out lv the gear to fast, I don't think its worth the time taken to collect all the pieces to make it.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sorrow Sorrow
    replied on Tuesday, December 16 2014, 12:25 PM #Permalink
    Probably just use greens while leveling, you'd prolly stumble upon some epic gear while leveling. If your really having trouble killing mobs alone try the auction house, some ppl sell their old green equipment thats already +10ish (havent been on in awhile but they used to be a few pieces there)

    Once you hit level 60-70 there are some decent epics in trophy shop that are worth picking up, especially if you wanna stop by the battlefield bracket there.

    Once 75 the common path is the Lisk Normal gear -> Chain Quest 75 gear

    Then end game 85 i think the circus insane gear are easy to come by now a days? then SLOWLY work your way to Chain Quest 85 gear

    Good Luck
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  • Accepted Answer

    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Wednesday, December 17 2014, 03:02 AM #Permalink
    Even if you don't get armor, it's kinda worth it to get proper weapons... helps so much in increasing damage. (Enhance them, weapons here don't break)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Scarlet~ Scarlet~
    replied on Wednesday, December 24 2014, 02:27 AM #Permalink
    My personal path:

    1-20 whatever gear i come across

    20-30 we get the new lvl 20 gear box that stuff is MORE than enough to use for 10 levels

    30- the stuff in terminus' NPC Spike's selection. the lvl 30 unis

    31-50 this is honestly WHATEVER i come across. FN epics are okay at this point. but let's face things quickly get outclassed by stuff at...

    60-70: Mighty Scrub trophy vendor armor. only get the 60 set. the 65 set is crap >.> (No offense sedy)

    70-75 again Mighty scrub set. it's wise to go 2 of one set 3 of the other. this maxes your stats. Use this stuff to camp BF. alternatively you can use the circus hard gear if you are just seriously questing only. I suggest CH gear for questers


    SEVERAL paths here but only two give you the best of what is needed.
    Path one: Mixed Lisk set.

    path two: Mix Lisk + Chain quest set.

    Again mixing the set gives you the BEST possible stats.

    85. Now you have options. Kinda.

    1. Circus Insane gear. This stuff is pretty okay for questers doing CQ

    2. Enraged Tundro set. I PERFER this but still ont he weak side if you ask me.

    2. Enraged Sakun set. see the above

    3. Trophy set for 85. Face it it's weak but MIGHT make you survive a few hits.

    4. Battlefield set. I LOVE THIS SET... yeah low attack, yeah low stats. but well over 100k HP if you play it right. huge defense. it's lovely. BUT sadly it's not the best.

    5. Chain quest. This is the best to get normaly without too much concern. I mean diamonds. and a lot of killing but it's doable.

    6. Frigid queen set. This is HARD and i mean HARD to get without the proper raid.

    if you need weapons tell me and i'll post my opinion as to where to get those next.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Wednesday, December 24 2014, 06:01 AM #Permalink
    If I'm not wrong, you get some new gear in mailbox at L30 after changing job too.

    Also the mixed sets for lisk gear is only really applicable for melee. If you're rdps you can only mix dmg/healer gear, rather than dmg/dmg xD You'd have to look at doign the first 2 quests for cq75 in order to mix it.
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