Ur wrote:
idk much about gunners. but when I use sniper and SS for dungeons, I just switch to the mp drain medal (5 hits and my mp is full again; was it on 4% mp drain?). If I card it with agility VI, the damage difference is just at 200 attack. On long dgns (i.e. dmp), I just use that coz I'm lazy switching medals, or I use the enriched mp potion.
but then again, what do I know. XD
Ray Darkwolf wrote:
You know...there are items that absorb a % MP depending on your attack..can simple swap accessories when your MP is down--then swap back to your normal one
Just sayin lol
Perubi wrote:
What earring you using? I remember there're earrings that give -mp cost...
Stop complaining, you are not even a main sniper. There're many mp drain items out there ya know, why don't you get one of them and switch when you are about out of mp?
What with that "dmp 20+
wonderland 15
von 15
toai 15
gti 15
ci 8
li 4
di 4
wgi 4"
I don't need any mp pots in IDQ/AIDQ or even if I need, 1 or 2 is enough to run a whole idq even tho my mp not that higher than yours. Might need more in DMP cuz of survivability. Don't say that casters have higher mp and QQ about your lack of it. They running out of mp too, not like all casters using Muffler. You have to trade something to get something else, don't expect to get everything or whatever you want by "QQ" to Sedy. Just go get one of those mp drain medal and switch them out, stop being toteming.
Sedy wrote:
Oh Sniper, thought it was a melee. Still seems excessive though. Sniper has several skills costing around 40% MP though so I guess it's possible if your hammering them every cooldown. I will be reducing both gunner's 3rd job skills by approx 20% in the next update, as I mentioned above they are set too high.
Sedy wrote:
oh my mistake was looking at VI. Even so, it's still 100k MP, 3 times my 33k MP pool - I can't understand how you go through that much in 5 minutes even with spamming every single skill constantly - which class??
Sedy wrote:
25 Enriched MP IV potions that give 14,400 MP each in just 5m? That is 360,000 MP. It doesn't add up... not even close.
I have a 33.5k MP pool and I can spam my 1s cooldown Phoenix Strike skill that has a big 34% MP cost (double or more the cost of most melee skills) for well over 4m before running out of MP. I'm not using my MP Drain buff or any MP Drain items either. 3m if I use my 60 and 70% MP cost skills whenever they come off cooldown.
Attack Speed ramped auto-attacks ftw anyway - just use your skill rotation with important debuffs and weave with auto-attacks for the most efficient damage/cost ratio and sustainability.
Sedy wrote:
I don't usually put MP, MP Recovery, MP Consumption stats on physical based items because MP has never really been an issue. MP problems have barely been mentioned in the entire time the server has been running.
I can keep it mind though and put in some accessories - although I think there are already a few. Isn't there an accessory from Lisk that has HP and MP Recovery - just can't remember if it has magic attack also though. Maybe pure Max MP would be better anyway - makes better use of MP% potions.
I had a quick look at the MP cost of melee class skills and it's really only the gunner classes that got a bit shafted with 3rd job skill MP cost - they are actually set around x5 of the 2nd job equivalent skills when it should be x3/x4. Melee class skills are x3, caster/healer x4. I will look at reducing those - but all of the melee classes are set as intended at x3 or close to x3.
Wie wrote:
Its work as long you keep spam it, coz all i do its using that pot, you can try it first, even when you done 1 DMP your mp wont hit to less then 50%. Unless you using mp shield then its will diff
Wie wrote:
No need to farm lol, just craft it buy the mats on Kristin owen NPC and alchemi (Enriched MP pot IV)
Wie wrote:
Umpity wrote:
Wie wrote:
enrich mp pot more then enough for melee class, just craft it, idk why you keep complaining, i even have a lot % mp pot, coz never, almost never use it. If you want back like old time, that mp pot become a trash
which melee or physical rdps class do you play?
I have sniper, SS, SB, cruesader, Templar, champ and sin. I know dps like SB, sin, sniper and SS consume more mp, but usually i just using enrich mp pot and its more then enough. even you dont spam it do 4 IDQ you just need 2 mp pot 20% one
Umpity wrote:
Wie wrote:
enrich mp pot more then enough for melee class, just craft it, idk why you keep complaining, i even have a lot % mp pot, coz never, almost never use it. If you want back like old time, that mp pot become a trash
which melee or physical rdps class do you play?
Wie wrote:
enrich mp pot more then enough for melee class, just craft it, idk why you keep complaining, i even have a lot % mp pot, coz never, almost never use it. If you want back like old time, that mp pot become a trash
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