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Umpity Umpity
posted on Monday, November 20 2017, 08:27 AM in Game Suggestions
mp has been stretched thin for a long time and with the newer dungeons there just isnt enough to go around unless u are a healer.

only options ive found so far is give up your good relic for an mp drain relic and constantly switch back and forth (if you can remember with all the other stuff we have to switch out)

enhance an armor item with -mp consumption loosing vital stats for your class (unless you are a healer).

use an accessory that was made for casters ie healers/wiz/sorc there doesnt seem to be an accessory with stats for physical players in mind.
Responses (34)
  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Saturday, December 02 2017, 03:52 AM #Permalink
    Ur wrote:

    idk much about gunners. but when I use sniper and SS for dungeons, I just switch to the mp drain medal (5 hits and my mp is full again; was it on 4% mp drain?). If I card it with agility VI, the damage difference is just at 200 attack. On long dgns (i.e. dmp), I just use that coz I'm lazy switching medals, or I use the enriched mp potion.

    but then again, what do I know. XD

    i do the same thing.
    what im saying is that the medal we are switching out to gain mp back doesnt have the stats that normal physical accesories has (using a casters/healer medal) it also has no hit.
    and no other class i have played drains mp as fast as sniper and i dont have to switch medal out on any other class except soulblader/sniper why should snipers/ss burn 5x mp when casters and melee are 3 and 4x and why do healers and caster get mp drain stuffs when they already burn less mp and have passive skills to use less mp?

    i understand the work arounds for it but its kind of annoying when no other class has to do this except maybe soulblader.

    and on the harder dungeons even my wiz has problems with mp and they naturally use less mp but i only have to use a few pots here and there no big deal .. but with gunner , and dual sword (just sb..myrm has mp drain) i burn though massive amounts of mp to where i cannot keep stocked up and always scrounging to find for sale unless i want to loose hit attack, crit, etc by wearing a dumb healer medal on a SNIPER lol.

    ANYWAYS ..sedy already said will look into it... i dont understand why anyone (ur_ would be arguing over someone trying to bring issues up that need resolved in the game and be against making the game better lol .. unless they just like arguing with me everything i say like someone i know :) (ur)
    if noone ever said anything then maybe it would never be looked at or resolved.
    then we would all just go on everyday subconciously disgruntled at the little things that never get fixed unless u dont play this class everyday then it doesnt affect you.
    but it still doesnt mean the issue doesnt exist.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ur Ur
    replied on Friday, November 24 2017, 03:05 AM #Permalink
    idk much about gunners. but when I use sniper and SS for dungeons, I just switch to the mp drain medal (5 hits and my mp is full again; was it on 4% mp drain?). If I card it with agility VI, the damage difference is just at 200 attack. On long dgns (i.e. dmp), I just use that coz I'm lazy switching medals, or I use the enriched mp potion.

    but then again, what do I know. XD
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Friday, November 24 2017, 02:52 AM #Permalink
    :D :D :D Totem Snipers GG~
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Wednesday, November 22 2017, 03:46 PM #Permalink
    Ray Darkwolf wrote:

    You know...there are items that absorb a % MP depending on your attack..can simple swap accessories when your MP is down--then swap back to your normal one

    Just sayin lol

    yes ray if you read all post we discussed this. thanks

    the thing with sniper is you have to swithc it back and forth so much in lvl 100 dungeon that you often forget which you are wearing then just say the hell with it and end up wearing healer/caster accessory fulltime like im currently doing.
    i want to use my shiny donator medal but its not practical if it means switching out every few minutes .. more and more and more players are having to switch more and more and more gears in and out if doing pvp sniper already has to switch so much other accessories depending if eva or not and depending which eva mag or phys then swithc gears because pve gears suck for gunner in pvp.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Wednesday, November 22 2017, 03:17 PM #Permalink
    Perubi wrote:

    What earring you using? I remember there're earrings that give -mp cost...
    Stop complaining, you are not even a main sniper. There're many mp drain items out there ya know, why don't you get one of them and switch when you are about out of mp?
    What with that "dmp 20+
    wonderland 15
    von 15
    toai 15
    gti 15
    ci 8
    li 4
    di 4
    wgi 4"
    I don't need any mp pots in IDQ/AIDQ or even if I need, 1 or 2 is enough to run a whole idq even tho my mp not that higher than yours. Might need more in DMP cuz of survivability. Don't say that casters have higher mp and QQ about your lack of it. They running out of mp too, not like all casters using Muffler. You have to trade something to get something else, don't expect to get everything or whatever you want by "QQ" to Sedy. Just go get one of those mp drain medal and switch them out, stop being toteming.

    you juust like arguing ..snipers has way less mp than wiz/sorc/heal but burns alot more mp.
    and everything you said is and has already been stated further up the thread those mp earings are crap they do not help at all... the allstat earing is better because it alone give more mp with stats and yes ive tried them all.
    i dont like using a healer or caster medal with a physical rpds i would rather use a medal that is for physical players and i dont want to use give up my relic for 2or 3 % mp drain thus loosing about 1500 attack and hit etc.
    its a suggestions forum i simply make suggestions if u dont like it go pack sand.

    this class has a problem with MP other classes get their MP fix why should this one not and why should this class have to switch out healer medal or buy two relic and swirthc back and forth when none the other classes have to do this.
    Sedy himself said this class has issues that he will fix ..

    perubi why would anyone complain about getting progress and things fix in game is just dumb *here is a tissue for your issue.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Perubi Perubi
    replied on Wednesday, November 22 2017, 10:36 AM #Permalink
    What earring you using? I remember there're earrings that give -mp cost...
    Stop complaining, you are not even a main sniper. There're many mp drain items out there ya know, why don't you get one of them and switch when you are about out of mp?
    What with that "dmp 20+
    wonderland 15
    von 15
    toai 15
    gti 15
    ci 8
    li 4
    di 4
    wgi 4"
    I don't need any mp pots in IDQ/AIDQ or even if I need, 1 or 2 is enough to run a whole idq even tho my mp not that higher than yours. Might need more in DMP cuz of survivability. Don't say that casters have higher mp and QQ about your lack of it. They running out of mp too, not like all casters using Muffler. You have to trade something to get something else, don't expect to get everything or whatever you want by "QQ" to Sedy. Just go get one of those mp drain medal and switch them out, stop being toteming.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 04:39 PM #Permalink
    You know...there are items that absorb a % MP depending on your attack..can simple swap accessories when your MP is down--then swap back to your normal one

    Just sayin lol
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Wie Wie
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 01:07 PM #Permalink
    Isnt have earing for sniper with -mp cost? i think it good enough if want save your mp pot, usually i do make alot mp pot for my gunner. but sure enrich mp pot its more then enough. and one more think no need keep maintain your mp to full bar. as long enough to give output skill its more then enough
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 10:46 AM #Permalink
    i really like the platinum emerald brooch and orichalcum amethyst brooch for my wiz they give cast time and mp drain hp drain attkspd they are nice.
    would be cool to have one with stats that a sniper or melee could apreciate like instead of casting speed add range or hit or even add double attack speed would be nice.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 10:43 AM #Permalink
    Doesn't work because it has other debuffs that most bosses are immune to - like Stun.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 10:36 AM #Permalink
    will prob still change from sb to myrm tho sb skills dont seem to be effective outside of pvp.
    if glacial spike were to affect bosses with its -50% all defense it would be a game changer for that class to be included more into dungeon parties as a debuffer/dps
    i know you explained it to me one day but i forget why it doesnt work on bosses with efficiency 9. something to do with the other effects or something of that skill.
    haha id gladly give up the other effects on that skill to be able land an amazing debuff on bosses of -50% all defense :) i think if that ever happens it will be a glorious day.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 10:22 AM #Permalink
    Sedy wrote:

    Oh Sniper, thought it was a melee. Still seems excessive though. Sniper has several skills costing around 40% MP though so I guess it's possible if your hammering them every cooldown. I will be reducing both gunner's 3rd job skills by approx 20% in the next update, as I mentioned above they are set too high.

    ok thanks sedy.

    yeah this has been major drawback for me for playing gunner.
    when i originally made the character i fell in love with it and wanted make it my main but this mp issue really keeps eating at me to make we want to change jobs.
    maybe this will help i will wait and see.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 10:19 AM #Permalink
    Oh Sniper, thought it was a melee. Still seems excessive though. Sniper has several skills costing around 40% MP though so I guess it's possible if your hammering them every cooldown. I will be reducing both gunner's 3rd job skills by approx 20% in the next update, as I mentioned above they are set too high.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 10:14 AM #Permalink
    Sedy wrote:

    oh my mistake was looking at VI. Even so, it's still 100k MP, 3 times my 33k MP pool - I can't understand how you go through that much in 5 minutes even with spamming every single skill constantly - which class??


    not sure what u mean by 100k mp the pot only gives 4k mp.

    i havent tried this technique out on sb yet but i bet it will work becuase sniper is worst offender of mp ive played.

    its basically kind of adding your own mp recovery skill to your skill lineup haha expensive but very clever.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 10:11 AM #Permalink
    oh my mistake was looking at VI. Even so, it's still 100k MP, 3 times my 33k MP pool - I can't understand how you go through that much in 5 minutes even with spamming every single skill constantly - which class??
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 10:06 AM #Permalink
    Sedy wrote:

    25 Enriched MP IV potions that give 14,400 MP each in just 5m? That is 360,000 MP. It doesn't add up... not even close.

    I have a 33.5k MP pool and I can spam my 1s cooldown Phoenix Strike skill that has a big 34% MP cost (double or more the cost of most melee skills) for well over 4m before running out of MP. I'm not using my MP Drain buff or any MP Drain items either. 3m if I use my 60 and 70% MP cost skills whenever they come off cooldown.

    Attack Speed ramped auto-attacks ftw anyway - just use your skill rotation with important debuffs and weave with auto-attacks for the most efficient damage/cost ratio and sustainability.

    enriched mp lV only give 4000mp not 14400
    would cost alot of gold using them this way every day but the plus side is nothing has to be farmed.

    you basically are adding a 4k mp increase every so many rotaion of skills so it kind of stays still.
    i have to admit it really does work but is so bothersome to do when no other classes ive played have to resort to this stuff.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 10:04 AM #Permalink
    25 Enriched MP IV potions that give 14,400 MP each in just 5m? That is 360,000 MP. It doesn't add up... not even close.

    I have a 33.5k MP pool and I can spam my 1s cooldown Phoenix Strike skill that has a big 34% MP cost (double or more the cost of most melee skills) for well over 4m before running out of MP. I'm not using my MP Drain buff or any MP Drain items either. 3m if I use my 60 and 70% MP cost skills whenever they come off cooldown.

    Attack Speed ramped auto-attacks ftw anyway - just use your skill rotation with important debuffs and weave with auto-attacks for the most efficient damage/cost ratio and sustainability.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 09:49 AM #Permalink
    Sedy wrote:

    I don't usually put MP, MP Recovery, MP Consumption stats on physical based items because MP has never really been an issue. MP problems have barely been mentioned in the entire time the server has been running.

    I can keep it mind though and put in some accessories - although I think there are already a few. Isn't there an accessory from Lisk that has HP and MP Recovery - just can't remember if it has magic attack also though. Maybe pure Max MP would be better anyway - makes better use of MP% potions.

    I had a quick look at the MP cost of melee class skills and it's really only the gunner classes that got a bit shafted with 3rd job skill MP cost - they are actually set around x5 of the 2nd job equivalent skills when it should be x3/x4. Melee class skills are x3, caster/healer x4. I will look at reducing those - but all of the melee classes are set as intended at x3 or close to x3.

    im noob at sb but noticed it isnt as bad if i just let it autoattack instead of using skills.
    sniper is horrible to point i no longer want to play it.. it also is not as bad if i just let it autoattack for brief periods but then ppl complain not using your skills.

    to be honest i will probably change from both of these classes in future so if noone else has complained i wont anymore either.
    will prob try change my sb to myrm and sniper to dagger type.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 09:40 AM #Permalink
    wow this actually works haha ty wie...

    have to set mp pot close to skills and hit it every single time its cd expires :) i spent 5 min on dummies and burned through 25 of them so im guessing this will run into hundred or more easily in lvl 100 dungeons but still not bad at all.

    ty very much.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 09:38 AM #Permalink
    I don't usually put MP, MP Recovery, MP Consumption stats on physical based items because MP has never really been an issue. MP problems have barely been mentioned in the entire time the server has been running.

    I can keep it mind though and put in some accessories - although I think there are already a few. Isn't there an accessory from Lisk that has HP and MP Recovery - just can't remember if it has magic attack also though. Maybe pure Max MP would be better anyway - makes better use of MP% potions.

    I had a quick look at the MP cost of melee class skills and it's really only the gunner classes that got a bit shafted with 3rd job skill MP cost - they are actually set around x5 of the 2nd job equivalent skills when it should be x3/x4. Melee class skills are x3, caster/healer x4. I will look at reducing those - but all of the melee classes are set as intended at x3 or close to x3.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 09:16 AM #Permalink
    i think for this to work would have to set mp pots in line with normal skill rotation and use it every single cycle of skills lol

    i will look into tho thanks
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 09:12 AM #Permalink
    Wie wrote:

    Its work as long you keep spam it, coz all i do its using that pot, you can try it first, even when you done 1 DMP your mp wont hit to less then 50%. Unless you using mp shield then its will diff

    on average how many of those pots do you use during a dmp run?
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Wie Wie
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 09:10 AM #Permalink
    Its work as long you keep spam it, coz all i do its using that pot, you can try it first, even when you done 1 DMP your mp wont hit to less then 50%. Unless you using mp shield then its will diff
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 09:08 AM #Permalink
    Wie wrote:

    No need to farm lol, just craft it buy the mats on Kristin owen NPC and alchemi (Enriched MP pot IV)

    not sure i understand
    can craft enriched mp pot Vl without farming?

    enriched potion lV will not work it isnt enough mp i would burn through thousands of those a day.
    I searched nsdb looks like enriched mp Vl might work but im pretty sure you have to farm lots of mats for that.

    ill look into it tho ty.

    will prob switch class to something else soon too so i will leave this post as is.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wie Wie
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 08:58 AM #Permalink
    No need to farm lol, just craft it buy the mats on Kristin owen NPC and alchemi (Enriched MP pot IV)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 08:56 AM #Permalink
    Wie wrote:

    Umpity wrote:

    Wie wrote:

    enrich mp pot more then enough for melee class, just craft it, idk why you keep complaining, i even have a lot % mp pot, coz never, almost never use it. If you want back like old time, that mp pot become a trash

    which melee or physical rdps class do you play?

    I have sniper, SS, SB, cruesader, Templar, champ and sin. I know dps like SB, sin, sniper and SS consume more mp, but usually i just using enrich mp pot and its more then enough. even you dont spam it do 4 IDQ you just need 2 mp pot 20% one

    thanks for tip i will look into it when i get free chance to farm all those materials and recipes to be able to make those they might be good.
    might take me a year or so to get my alchemy that lvl tho some recipes are very very hard to get.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wie Wie
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 08:50 AM #Permalink
    Umpity wrote:

    Wie wrote:

    enrich mp pot more then enough for melee class, just craft it, idk why you keep complaining, i even have a lot % mp pot, coz never, almost never use it. If you want back like old time, that mp pot become a trash

    which melee or physical rdps class do you play?

    I have sniper, SS, SB, cruesader, Templar, champ and sin. I know dps like SB, sin, sniper and SS consume more mp, but usually i just using enrich mp pot and its more then enough. even you dont spam it do 4 IDQ you just need 2 mp pot 20% one
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 08:46 AM #Permalink
    i was simply suggesting keeping melee and physical ranged players in mind for mp not meaning to sound like complaining.
    i just notice other classes get nice mp drain accesories and -mp skills or mp recovery but there are a few classes that have been ignored it may be because these classes have not traditionally been sustained dps for extended periods before in the past mainly only pvp so it wasnt ever an issue i myself play various classes for many years and those are the ones that i see have problems with mp now that i try to use those class in pve oriented role.. i can run lvl 100 dungeons all day with most of my chars but the ones i mention suck in this regard.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 08:36 AM #Permalink
    Wie wrote:

    enrich mp pot more then enough for melee class, just craft it, idk why you keep complaining, i even have a lot % mp pot, coz never, almost never use it. If you want back like old time, that mp pot become a trash

    which melee or physical rdps class do you play?
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Wie Wie
    replied on Tuesday, November 21 2017, 08:11 AM #Permalink
    enrich mp pot more then enough for melee class, just craft it, idk why you keep complaining, i even have a lot % mp pot, coz never, almost never use it. If you want back like old time, that mp pot become a trash
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Monday, November 20 2017, 07:45 PM #Permalink
    or i i may make another suggestion...
    maybe we can include increase more MP pots in reward boxes for completing dungeon quests?
    here is my current average mp pot usage almost daily.
    dmp 20+
    wonderland 15
    von 15
    toai 15
    gti 15
    ci 8
    li 4
    di 4
    wgi 4

    total 99

    im not sure about exact numbers of pots gotten from rewards boxes but i know it doesnt match the harder dungeon usage.
    the mp pot rewards from doing idq fits idq great but for the harder dungeons not so great.

    and yes i know we can sit and let it recover before moving on to the next boss but noone does that in timed dungeon runs and dmp already takes alot of time to run nobody wants to spend an entire day in there on one run.

    plus more and more ppl are dual clilenting to be able to get idq pty wich means more attack for more sustained periods of time thus using more pots.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Monday, November 20 2017, 07:16 PM #Permalink
    my soulblader and sniper are the worst for mp. and like i said been either switching out thirst relic or healer/caster accessory for those chars.

    some melee has mp drain some have mp recovery. etc but these class do not as far as i know.

    also if mp is good to go on all classes why did someone make mp drain accessories for healers and now casters (with artisan medal). but not physical characters? most caster classes have -mp use skill passive anyway.

    physical character got left out of the mix with artisan crafted accessories giving mp drain ie:platinum emerald brooch (for casters) maybe oricalchum amethyst brooch too not sure about this yet plus the various other mp drain healer accesories.

    and i DO use pots ALOT of pots thats why im posting this .. with the lvl 100 dungeons if you do those every day you will run out of mp pots stockpile fast.

    and to add to this healers and casters already have way more mp than physical characters due to high wisdom/intelligence all my casters have nearly as much mp as they do hp. where as my sniper has 80k+hp but only 30k mp fully stat'd.
    on my wiz (high mp) i can run most lvl 100 dungeons using only 2 or 3 mp pots max.
    on my healer (high mp) i dont use any mp pots there are accesories which give mp plus there is mp drain skill.
    on my sniper and soulblader (low mp) i use entire mp from full to empty and go through around 15 to 20 mp pots or more and still come out of the dungeon looking hungry and starving for MP unless i use healer /caster acessorires or thirst relic which takes away hit /crit and attack.

    oh edited last minute my champion is another one that burns through mp and has very little mp to begin with and no mp recovery like templars. it however isnt as bad for tank as it is with full on balls to wall dps.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Monday, November 20 2017, 02:23 PM #Permalink
    For real - which class? I don't recall ever having MP issues as a melee, like ever. Nothing that a few MP Potions wouldn't fix anyway. I think we have it kind of easy in Iris when it comes to MP usage as melee. You can use multiple different types of MP potion that don't share cooldowns, and the cooldowns are short also.

    What you are doing now, switching a relic out when you need to regain MP is fine in my opinion, and not something I find unacceptable to expect to need to do if you don't have or don't want to use MP Potions.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Spunny Spunny
    replied on Monday, November 20 2017, 02:09 PM #Permalink
    Lol or just use MP pots? Otherwise what are those for?
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