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Spunny Spunny
posted on Sunday, April 24 2016, 12:30 AM in Game Guides
Pets - the TLDR version + Link to update post

This is the detailed version:

What's so great about pets?
- Extra dps for you/support pets can heal you
- debuffs on your target (you get both the natural debuff from your pet + any skills you put on it)

How do I get a pet?
- Level 1 quest 'Taming the Mush' in logging area to get a Mush Summoning scroll
- Summoning scrolls (drop randomly + some quests + daily gift)
- Farm pet DNA (for a specific pet) (splice it together at Avery NPC)
- Buy from moolah shop
- Occasionally event quests (e.g. halloween etc)
- Battlefield quest

What's the difference between Common/Uncommon/Rare/Unique/Epic?
- the better the quality the more you can intensify it (add stats)

How do I get an epic pet?
- moolah shop
- very rare chance of getting it from splicing DNA (each splice will give you one random quality pet of a particular type)
- use DNA booster (from moolah shop) to guarantee your splice will be epic

How do I get a unique pet?
- DNA splicing
- combining 10 rare summoning scrolls for 1 unique summoning scroll
- events
- moolah shop

How many types of pets are there?
- close range: melee, hybrid, panzer
- ranged: caster, ranged, assist

Why won't my pet summon?
- you neglectful owner. You forgot to feed it/let it die too often and loyalty is below 10
- you need to buy bulk pet rations and use them (works on all pets you own)

What's this loyalty thing?
- if loyalty is less than 10, your pet won't summon
- (give your pets food!)

what's this happiness thing?
- happier pets do more damage
- (give your pets water!)

When can I evolve my pet?
- Level 1 to 2: L30 pet
- Level 2 to 3: L50 pet
- Level 3 to 4: L70 pet
(note: every time you evolve it goes back to level 1)
(note: to evolve you need evolution agent)

Where do I get an evolution agent?
- make it by combining evolution dust at Avery
- buy at moolah shop

Where do I get evolution dust?
- Vortex, Snow Mountain, hall of elements

How do I find gear for my pet?
- mob drops
- craft via artisan assistant skill

Do comment if I should add more questions :D I do encourage you to read the longer post by Sedy
Responses (8)
  • Accepted Answer

    Cie wie Cie wie
    replied on Sunday, April 24 2016, 03:15 AM #Permalink
    Anyway u forget hav moolah pet now :p is different from epic pet
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sayaka Sayaka
    replied on Monday, February 06 2017, 03:38 PM #Permalink
    oh so being uncommon common rare unique epic doesnt effect stats it only effects intensify rate
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Monday, February 06 2017, 10:12 PM #Permalink
    It affects their base stats per level and the amount of stats you can add with intensify, and also the cooldown of their auto-attack.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sayaka Sayaka
    replied on Tuesday, February 07 2017, 05:06 PM #Permalink
    Oh arigato ... lol -.- i love my common pet ... is there a way that we can upgrade our pets rarity ?
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Tuesday, February 07 2017, 06:29 PM #Permalink
    Yes you can upgrade your pets. If you have an Uncommon Mush, use 3 more Uncommon Mush Summoning Scrolls and then you can upgrade it to Common. Then you can do the same with Common Mush Summoning Scrolls to upgrade it to Rare, all the way to Epic if you want to.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sayaka Sayaka
    replied on Wednesday, February 08 2017, 03:50 PM #Permalink
    Thanks ^^ but i cant farm it now ... bcz its level is high lol
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Riodroid Riodroid
    replied on Sunday, December 26 2021, 02:45 PM #Permalink
    I have 2 questions.
    Where can I find moolah?
    And how do I split DNA....?
    I have 3 Treeky dna, but I can only put it in one slot, it doesn't allow me to move the stack afterwards.
    Reply voted down Show
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Sunday, December 26 2021, 03:34 PM #Permalink
    Riodroid wrote:

    I have 2 questions.
    Where can I find moolah?
    And how do I split DNA....?
    I have 3 Treeky dna, but I can only put it in one slot, it doesn't allow me to move the stack afterwards.

    You can earn Moolah by doing daily dungeon quests, buy it from other players, or buy it with money. Open the Shopping Mall and click on the + symbol next to your moolah balance at the top of the window, or go to here at the website.

    To split a stack of items, hold down the SHIFT key and drag the stack of items to an empty slot in your inventory and a window will pop up asking how many you want to split. Or click the item in your inventory and click the split button at the top of the main inventory window.
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There is something else to say, it's tough to get points and reputation when you keep losing Battlef
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Thank you! And also can you make a requirement for joining in the event? Like 20lvl or above. Ther
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Yeh it's a good idea. I will look into it
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