Pets - the TLDR version + Link to update post
This is the detailed version:
What's so great about pets?
- Extra dps for you/support pets can heal you
- debuffs on your target (you get both the natural debuff from your pet + any skills you put on it)
How do I get a pet?
- Level 1 quest 'Taming the Mush' in logging area to get a Mush Summoning scroll
- Summoning scrolls (drop randomly + some quests + daily gift)
- Farm pet DNA (for a specific pet) (splice it together at Avery NPC)
- Buy from moolah shop
- Occasionally event quests (e.g. halloween etc)
- Battlefield quest
What's the difference between Common/Uncommon/Rare/Unique/Epic?
- the better the quality the more you can intensify it (add stats)
How do I get an epic pet?
- moolah shop
- very rare chance of getting it from splicing DNA (each splice will give you one random quality pet of a particular type)
- use DNA booster (from moolah shop) to guarantee your splice will be epic
How do I get a unique pet?
- DNA splicing
- combining 10 rare summoning scrolls for 1 unique summoning scroll
- events
- moolah shop
How many types of pets are there?
- close range: melee, hybrid, panzer
- ranged: caster, ranged, assist
Why won't my pet summon?
- you neglectful owner. You forgot to feed it/let it die too often and loyalty is below 10
- you need to buy bulk pet rations and use them (works on all pets you own)
What's this loyalty thing?
- if loyalty is less than 10, your pet won't summon
- (give your pets food!)
what's this happiness thing?
- happier pets do more damage
- (give your pets water!)
When can I evolve my pet?
- Level 1 to 2: L30 pet
- Level 2 to 3: L50 pet
- Level 3 to 4: L70 pet
(note: every time you evolve it goes back to level 1)
(note: to evolve you need evolution agent)
Where do I get an evolution agent?
- make it by combining evolution dust at Avery
- buy at moolah shop
Where do I get evolution dust?
- Vortex, Snow Mountain, hall of elements
How do I find gear for my pet?
- mob drops
- craft via artisan assistant skill
Do comment if I should add more questions

I do encourage you to read the longer post by Sedy