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Vulcan Vulcan
posted on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 10:00 PM in Game Suggestions
IGN: VulcanSuki a.k.a Mr.Spin

Hello Admins, Gms, and players in Iris

There has been a day since the update launched so I am here making this post to express my thought about new update.

Destruction buff is the 1st thing I want to talk about. As far as everyone know the duration of the buff hasnt altered so it is still 15sec long last. However, we all know there has been a change or I mean a new effect of that skill which is 50% Increase size. So lets talk about the postive and negative effect of this on the game and on players
what is the positive thing that all classes gain in this? Of course we all will know who is the glad/zerk tempting to ITD your butt off by now when you see a HUGE GIANT 2H SWORD HOLDER running toward you with an evil smile on his/her face 10 I will definitely rate it 50. Why? a huge monstrous dmg on all classes (anyone find themselves motivated to farm and card your gears like me? 'cause I am fired up to kill it). Awesome tactic, what tactic? you all need to find out by joining raid to work for it like I did yesterday :D (die 3 times tho D:)
2. New Item with super tempting stat? I dont know what are the drops yet but I know it wont be the same as ToA drop or Ulric/Livid and end Weapon CQ. I am pretty sure there are meaning behind this boss probably to gear people up and also give a warn about the "new world" you all gonna come to in the "big update" we have been waiting for a long time which is being coded - tested by sedy.

1. Too high dmg if I have to say. AoE dmg + high dmg attack is a pro of this boss. Why would I say so? Im sure by now a lot of people would notice that Melee/mail cant last too long against this boss. If they want to survive they need to go full absorption (food/tarot/pots/buff) which give them a huge lost in their dmg base. Obviously attacking on boss would be slowed down + nothing guarantee them a chance to survive from the boss with fully absorption on.
Take me as an example. a Warlock fully buffed with 44k~46k mdef and 62% magic absorption (human form dps tanking set) and still taking 8k~10k non crit and 12k~14 crit and some skill go up to 20k crit. What can Melee class with haft or lower than haft of my Mdef and M-Absortion and mail class with worse mdef + M-Aborption will be tanking?
2. Boss's def, I think it is quite high compare to top bosses before it show up such as Ulric (require minimum 4dps to kill it),Livid (require minimum 6 people to kill it), Cringer ( can be duo now) and LM (4ppl minimum). This boss in my opinion require at least 2 raids with fully geared people (minimum 30 people) ( this is just my own calculation).
Dmg dealing on this boss is quite low compare to other bosses. I dont know if this is supposed to be the way it works but I would love to see a bit improvement on this so people can enjoy themselves a bit instead of charging it hopelessly and then seeing the boss laughing at us and call us " you failed weakling" LOL (couldnt catch the real sentence so just say what i basically remember)
3. This is a new boss and of course it should be challenging, but this is not just any challenge, this is like an endless war between players and boss. It is hard to gather players in NS because they are living all around the world with different time zone. Not everyone is geared very well to be able to survive this boss (no offense to anyone, just saying a fact). Also not everyone knows what to do or actually listen to others people (again no offense to anyone, but this is a fact).This should be work out between players but I think this is 1 of the problem come from the new boss as well ( I might be right or I might be wrong, no judging)
4. Reflect from boss. 75% reflect is insane. As long as the boss is in circle we will all attacking our own Hp bars. That should be fine by luring it out and that should be no problem you might say. Here is the problem, after the circle up, the boss decide to "mediating in his holy circle" for approximate 4~6sec before he remember that he is "in his missing to call us weakling after 10mins" =.='. The CD time for the circle is 20~30sec approximately and to take it out of the circle, we have to waste at least 10sec. It is really hard for people to keep up with the change of the reflect buff. it can be randomly appear out of no where and players who are attacking cant stop in time and die because of the aoe dmg + reflect combo (this is specially for all poor Melee/Mail has scarified themselves for the glory of Iris)

That is all for that boss I have right now 'cause I havent seen anyone finish this boss off (except i heard that 2 GM take 8mins continuously DPS + use 100% pots to kill this). Well challenging boss is awesome and I love it. But not an *impossible* boss for our current level+equip and with number of limited top cards(all stat V VI, Eva/Res V VI) we have right now. Hopefully there will be some change so us players could have some more fun during bossing since ive been seeing many people from many guilds come to work together for this "new lovely boss"

P/S: this post is dedicated for a better NS IRIS. Please dont flame/troll/etc... action/ discussion that make this post go into wrong direction ( A BETTER NS IRIS
Responses (19)
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    Ryan Ryan
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 10:06 PM #Permalink
    and now.....
    Story time with Suki a.k.a Mr.Spin :silly:
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 10:18 PM #Permalink
    get outta here u troller LOL .... I bet u didnt even care to read w/so/ever I was saying LOL
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    Gummieee Gummieee
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 10:19 PM #Permalink
    i totally disagree with your opinion on how Destruction buff +50% size increase being negative.

    "1. It make their (Zerk/Glad) "TACTIC" so OBVIOUS to ALL OTHER CLASSES" - I think that's a good thing so players know how to be careful and get ready for battle.

    & as for ur reasons 2-5 about the lag issues, i don't see how +50% size will lag u that bad. you must really need a better computer or better internet.
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 10:33 PM #Permalink
    So are you saying you have the right to tell us who has bad computer/Internet to change it to play the game? does it mean we have to spend another couple thousand dollars for a good computer then a couple hundred bucks for another internet to play just 1 game? Does that make sense for you to it?

    you think it is a good thing so players know how to be careful and get ready for battle? what about Berserker and glad? Have you thought about them before you say it? Zerker and Glad are 2 hard classes to play ok? Super long CD skill (longest in game). Destruction buff on themselves need to be chose wisely or else they will waste all of their effect. Different from Zerk, Glad only have a buff for 15sec and no reset skill, on top of that they have only 2 ITD is berserker assault + Charge. Are you saying that Glad need to be made more difficult to deal with people so that people can pawn them easier then they are already being pawned right now?
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    Gummieee Gummieee
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 11:02 PM #Permalink
    So are you saying you have the right to tell us who has bad computer/Internet to change it to play the game? does it mean we have to spend another couple thousand dollars for a good computer then a couple hundred bucks for another internet to play just 1 game? Does that make sense for you to it?

    you think it is a good thing so players know how to be careful and get ready for battle? what about Berserker and glad? Have you thought about them before you say it? Zerker and Glad are 2 hard classes to play ok? Super long CD skill (longest in game). Destruction buff on themselves need to be chose wisely or else they will waste all of their effect. Different from Zerk, Glad only have a buff for 15sec and no reset skill, on top of that they have only 2 ITD is berserker assault + Charge. Are you saying that Glad need to be made more difficult to deal with people so that people can pawn them easier then they are already being pawned right now?

    WOah i love how u take my opinion so offensive. Stop throwing Ur reasons at me, i m just stating my opinions not here to aruge with u like how u aruge with others on the other forum post. I am sure u will have alot more to say n loads of reason just like on the other posts. maybe u should consider being a lawyer in the future i m sure u will benefit alot from that.

    i doubt 1 or 2 or let just say 5 of 50% increase size gona make you lag. if you lag from 50% size how are you even able to play the game? -.- i m not saying to spend hundreds of dollar to buy a computer. i m just stating my opinion.
    I know that different from Zerk, Glad only have a buff for 15 sec and no reset skills, and it isnt as fair to them. But as for Zerk. i dunt feel thats 50% increase gona make any difference to them. Since 1 they still have their ignore def attacks n their buffs. N 2, even though they have the longest cd on skills. They also have the highest attacks n high defense. It's not like 50% size increase gona make them die any faster.
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    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 11:13 PM #Permalink
    I see where the 50% is helpful when it comes to PvP and Battlefield. The pesky people who shrink to a really small size are hard to target and zerks and glads are very famous for them so are the magic classes. Yes they have long cooldowns but remember they got the ignore defense and increased attack speed so they use the attack speed increase and then ignore defense and run off some combo-ed hits on you and your down for the count. Unless your a merc with high ass evasion. Any other class is doomed if caught by their blade. I'm sure merc will have its own nerf eventually.

    It does create lag for people who don't have good PCs or laptops. Iris is a mid-graphics game and some computers can't handle but so many mobs, skill graphics, tarot graphics, title graphics and so forth. and a whole bunch of them coming at you and lagging the piss out of you. But the best thing you can do is not run so many programs occupying your internet and run iris on the lowest settings.
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    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 11:16 PM #Permalink
    the 75% reflect means you better gets some more sages and priest in the party :P create a raid party of healers. GG no one dies :P
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 11:17 PM #Permalink
    1st, no I dont take what you said as an offense. 2nd, Im giving you a fact that you seem to forget. Not everyone one has a good computer and not every country in the world provide good internet that would fit it condition to maximize players potential. I am not that interest in being lawyer but to be honest. Talk in general not just because your net is good and running perfect mean everyone else does. I am in average lag for those thing so I can still play, but there are others having worse lag then me. Why dont you think about it positively and try to understand how hard for others who are playing as well but not having condition as you are right now? It is not that hard isnt it?
    2nd, Size is 1 of the thing that actually matter in game. It is really easy to spot a player with a big size in game and FF(focus fire) or gang on them. Point here -> easier to be spotted = easier to be killed.
    3rd, lets make a theory here, I said if destruction go up 50% size, why dont merc's Invoke itd increase size too? or you are just trying to pick on Zerk/Glad because you are having problem with them perhaps? If you actually do learn to deal with it, an Adventure has Itd/immo and ton of other thing too, dont put them into wasted land and start picking on other classes just because some people from their classes are just skillful in playing their own class.
    P/s a small tip for you, cant solo any other classes? go with a team. I always go with my team because my Warlock cant do thing on it own. So what if people say I am noob? I am doing thing my own way and no one can ever tell me what to do. Try it maybe?
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    hitomi hitomi
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 11:18 PM #Permalink
    i dont care much about zerk D:
    what i care is all about ailment pot ~ overpriceee ~ it good to up a price ~ 20 tear ea seem too overpricee ~

    And about last boss D: MY class is useless when fight him D: ~i feel sad about this ~
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    Gummieee Gummieee
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 11:31 PM #Permalink
    please. are u saying i dunt know how to use adventurer? i never said anything bad about adventurer. dunt bring my character into this. i dunt need to go with a team and i pk alone and i definetlly dunt have any problems with zerk or glad. it not like i can get kill easily. i m thinking for the other players who are not very well equipped. 50 % size increase will really help them.
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    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 11:34 PM #Permalink
    Nice way of putting things Vulcan. But I read your whole NOVEL here and I think most of it is good but majority of it is crap. Dude, even without the +50% increase of size is lag. But, we all know that the zerks/glads are really smart in what not to have on as buffs. I've buffed up many zerks/glads in DM/FM/PVP with my Priest buffs and do you know what they all do, TAKE IT OFF. They don't care for it even though it may give them more dmg. They want to be TINY anyways. And with GMs giving away 60% shrink cards as prizes, well, they are SUPER DUPER TINY. So you know what, since the last update Sedy only changed it to 50% instead of the 100% increase of size that was originally talked about. Quit crying already. Lag is always there.

    Ailment overpriced? yes maybe just a little. But I think it's like the 50% HP pots.....too many ppl use and abuse it. I am #1 at it cuz I don't want to DIE. But you know what, it makes people save their tears and save their Ailment for extreme purposes. It's your own damn fault if you want to PK and everything. Then you suffer with buying so many pots. Other people choose the right time to use and make sure they good. I think a good price for each Ailment is 10 tears. Not too pricey and not too cheap.

    And yes, I wait to hear what you have to say about this Yami.
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 11:36 PM #Permalink
    As well as, making Glad/Zerk unwell-geared unable to fight and gain experience in fighting a lot harder. Going in team or not going in team is optional. I just say you should try not you have to do it or this will be the end of the world o.o. I said Adventure has so many thing, I have never said anything about your character. Unless you think your adventure = the whole adventure class. If you dont have any problem with Glad/Zerk dont try to make them have problem with other classes. o.o is that clear? + lets not flaming this post LOL. I am not interest on making a flame today so let it go and see other reaction. You or me aint gonna represent the whole server if you know what i mean.
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, October 02 2012, 11:58 PM #Permalink
    @Anna some of your point is right. With or without 50% size it will still be laggy + we can all use -60% to reduce it. However, not everyone has that -60% shrink. It is a rare cards. Im not quite sure how many stack will be out per week from Darcel's Food event + others events but I am pretty sure not everyone will get their hands on it + even if they are getting their hand on it, it wont be divided equally. Therefore there will be peolple with ton of it and there will be people without it. How can we balance that? If i may say. I would say to reduce Sage/Priest buff down to 30% and let zerk/glad have their buff around 30~40%. With all of those they should be at least balance the size and cost less lag increase.

    Again there are still a problem I want to solve. If Zerk Glad go Giant with destruction, should Merc go Giant with their invoke too? would love to see your answer for this in case nothing will be change and Zerk/Glad keep going with 50% increase
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    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Wednesday, October 03 2012, 12:28 AM #Permalink
    Yes I do think Mercs should go 50% also. I mean it's the most powerful skill the classes have. I mean really each class has it's purposes...but some classes has more than others. And the most class we have problems with are zerks/glads and now mercs. It's fair to have them go 50% but see, it's not my call. It is up to the Admins to decide. Mainly just my opinion here. And most will be for my opinion and majority will be against it.
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    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, October 03 2012, 06:06 AM #Permalink
    Thanks for the suggestions.

    I really don't think 50% increase in size is going to make that much difference considering there are already buffs in the game that do the same and nobody complains about those, ever. Most of you use monster transformations too, some of which are huge, and I never hear about lag and stuff. Also, most people are using shrink cards so the 50% increase gets negated by those. It will stay as it is for now and if I manage to fix the 100% bug without breaking 10 other things at the same time, it will get removed again. I think it's a small price to pay for having such an overpowered skill in the first place. If I hear it really is causing lag problems I may reduce the size increase a bit.

    The potion was WAY underpriced at 1 tear and should never have been there in the first place. I was going to remove it when I removed the 30% hp potions but it crept back in somehow and I kinda forgot all about it. So just consider it a bonus for all this time you could spam it for 1 tear. The other reason I finally remembered about it and adjusted the price was because of the new boss. That potion for 1 tear would seriously nerf some of the effects he has like the hp/mp dot and other debuffs. In the next update it will probably be removed and a recipe will be made for alchemists instead. Anyway, you guys need something to spend all your tears on :P

    Now the boss. It was designed to be super hard and require you to have a lot of people and to actually make a tactic. The other world bosses were hard to begin with but soon they were being done with a single party or even less which was never the intention when I made them. This one was made HARD and because of it's skills it will remain hard even with better gear. There are several tactics you can use depending if your tank is melee or a caster but I'm not going to give any hints at all, you guys need to work it out. It's perfectly doable with a good raid group.

    The drops are better than any other gear in the game right now, but not massively. However, there are plans for this new gear for the next major update, so it's very worthwhile to have them.
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    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, October 03 2012, 06:07 AM #Permalink
    @Anna some of your point is right. With or without 50% size it will still be laggy + we can all use -60% to reduce it. However, not everyone has that -60% shrink. It is a rare cards. Im not quite sure how many stack will be out per week from Darcel's Food event + others events but I am pretty sure not everyone will get their hands on it + even if they are getting their hand on it, it wont be divided equally. Therefore there will be peolple with ton of it and there will be people without it. How can we balance that? If i may say. I would say to reduce Sage/Priest buff down to 30% and let zerk/glad have their buff around 30~40%. With all of those they should be at least balance the size and cost less lag increase.

    Again there are still a problem I want to solve. If Zerk Glad go Giant with destruction, should Merc go Giant with their invoke too? would love to see your answer for this in case nothing will be change and Zerk/Glad keep going with 50% increase

    I will think on it :)
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    WoLvSTieN WoLvSTieN
    replied on Wednesday, October 03 2012, 08:21 AM #Permalink
    Doesn't really matter if there's increase in size on the ITD's because even if it becomes OBVIOUS that they are on ITD buff there's always ways to stop others from running away like Stun,Slow, and Emobilize. Unless those debuffs misses it's easy to hold players off from running and specially with the new increase price in Ailment Potions they can't spam it anymore which will make it EASIER to hold players from running in the near future(When most people with Ailment USED UP their pots) yeah so the problem is the Lag issues like Vulcan said. I don't lag and my internet is good so I won't comment on the lag matter caused by increase in size.
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Wednesday, October 03 2012, 12:17 PM #Permalink
    I personally think it is not needed to give 50%+ increase buff for zerk/glad because there are a couple of way to easily spot a zerk/glad destruction or not. It is the animation that they make when they buff that skill. Another way is tab check the destruction icon on them. Third way, well this is kinda lame but when they hit you with massive dmg while dealing dmg by skill witching is not Itd skill (kinda late but then you know what they are doing). It should be good for people to watch their own back when they are vs zerks/glad, not just being notice by some size change and start running off the battle because they are already see a giant after them. Just saying.
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    AurelioLaverne95 AurelioLaverne95
    replied on Wednesday, October 24 2012, 04:55 PM #Permalink
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