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Akiyo Akiyo
posted on Sunday, September 23 2018, 10:21 AM in Game Help & Support
I can't find, or maybe I just didn't search enough, any thread regarding pets so I'm gonna ask about them myself.

1. What exactly does make Epic grade pets better than other grade pets? Are Epic grade pets really worth to get? Do they have better basic status growth per level? Do they use their own skills and skills from skill books more often than lower grade pets?

2. When you evolve a pet, their basic status lowers, in exchange, do they gain higher status growth every level compared to pets that aren't evolved yet?
*What if I decided to make my 1-grade pet reach Level 100 before evolving, will it make a difference compared to evolving them at lower levels? If yes, then I guess I should just make all my pets reach Lv100 first before evolving them. If no, they why make their level cap 100 as well? It just looks weird.

3. I don't have any information about tonics, are there limits on how many I can use on my pets? If yes, what if I decided to use all the tonics I have until I reach the limit on a 1-grade pet, will it make a difference in basic status after evolving them? Will it reset the number of times I can use tonics on my pet again?

And most importantly, personally, does rock piece golem drop DNA (lol)? I've been farming for an hour and not a single has hasn't dropped yet. I've been farming cactus flower from cactus on Sandstorm Desert and their DNAs drops easily and I'm sure that in that hour, I've already killed way more rock piece golems than cactus in my entire life here in Iris. Do I have bad luck or does lower level mobs got lower chances of dropping DNAs compared to higher level mobs?
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