Raven wrote:
Hi @Sedy
i want to reset my guild skill, has put wrong skill atm
Guild Name : Mythic
IGN : Chaos
chill wrote:
Hi Sedy,
Kindly reset the guild skill points
Guildname: PVE
IGN of Guildmaster: curly
Thank you and Best Regards
viscount wrote:
Sedy wrote:
Sedy wrote:
viscount wrote:
I want to reset my guild point.
My Guild Name : Mythic
Guild Leader : Quiny
Sure, they will be reset during tomorrow's (30/06/23) server restart.
Apologies, but this will now be done during the next restart.
Okay, thanks for info sedy
Sedy wrote:
Sedy wrote:
viscount wrote:
I want to reset my guild point.
My Guild Name : Mythic
Guild Leader : Quiny
Sure, they will be reset during tomorrow's (30/06/23) server restart.
Apologies, but this will now be done during the next restart.
Sedy wrote:
viscount wrote:
I want to reset my guild point.
My Guild Name : Mythic
Guild Leader : Quiny
Sure, they will be reset during tomorrow's (30/06/23) server restart.
viscount wrote:
I want to reset my guild point.
My Guild Name : Mythic
Guild Leader : Quiny
PinkyWinkie wrote:
sedy please reset guild skill for NoIdeas
IGN WInkieveen
Meliodafu wrote:
Good day Sedy!
I would like to request for guildpoint reset
Guild: DeadlySins
IGN: Meliodas
PearlAqua wrote:
Please reset my guild skill point
Guild name: StaffOnly
Thank you
BlueGum wrote:
Hi I would like to request a guild point reset.
Guild Name: Splitpersona
IGN: BlueGum
Thank you very much.
Sue wrote:
Please reset guild skills for guild: Apothecary.
Guild Leader: Ekvie
Thank you so much Sedy.
Axe wrote:
Please reset guild points again
Guild name: Gungnir
Leader : Axelious
thank you
Fiho wrote:
Would you please reset my guild perks again?
Guild name: BeefJerkies
Thank you.
BlueGum wrote:
ello, I would like to request a guild points reset please.
Guild Name: SplitPersona
My IGN: BlueGum
Thank you very much.
Fiho wrote:
Could you please reset my guild perks? Name: Beefjerkies.
Thank you.
Sophia1301 wrote:
Hey Sedy!
Could you please reset the guild Perks of my guild: "Significant"
Thanks in advance!
PinkyWinkie wrote:
Hi Sedy
reset guild's points on NoIdeas
IGN Winkieveen
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