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Iskander Iskander
posted on Sunday, March 29 2020, 09:05 AM in Game Suggestions
Actually i have two suggestions, but they correlate a bit, so i merged them into one thread.
1.Siege mode.
Let the game atnagonist (Arcane if i got the story right) send his strongest minions to vipe out Terminus. Once in a while Arcane himself may lead his army. Since these are the strongest monster there are, the event should be end-game oriented. A the beginning i thought this event should be held only at the map of Terminus city, where end-gme monsters should have their revenge, but it's quite possible to hold it at two maps - first a map near the fortress itself (but not Logging Area). Then, if the monsters weren't completely defeated, they may spawn insde Terminus. But it may be held only inside Terminus, viping out not only the players, but NPC too (put them into hospital so they won be avilable for some time - an hour or two).
2. GM-challenge.
It's a PvE-PK-PvP mixed event. Any GM whenever they want may spawn as any monster/boss of their choice (strongest monsters/powered up worldbosses preferred) either on a special premade PvP/PK map or at a map of their choice (Terminus included) and start the massacre! Players are free to join into raids/parties and use any strategy they can. GM are limited to the skils and possibilities of the monster they spawned,but use their own gaming skills to make it harder.

Haven't yet thought about the rewards of both evens, but well this is only a basic idea. If it will be accepted we (game comunity) may figure out something nice :)
Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Tuesday, April 07 2020, 09:40 AM #Permalink
    Not sure it's a good idea to have this kind of thing in Terminus, especially since a death causes a loss in EXP, but it does remind me of something they had in a game I played some years ago, which was a lot of fun. The main town would get taken over by the enemy that included some NPCs/monsters and the enemy race of players, all NPCs in the town would fight them until dead etc. and players needed to enter and help defeat them to take back the town. It worked in this case because when the town was under enemy control it would be closed to regular players and they would get ported outside to a small encampment and could not enter the main town again until it was taken back. Players had to join raids to enter. But the main reason it worked is because there were opposing factions in this game, ie Good vs Evil, or ala wow, Horde vs Alliance etc.

    However, I would prefer to keep Terminus a safe zone as it is now, without any pvp/pk or fighting since it's the gathering point for all levels of players - as we don't really have multiple towns.

    We did used to do simple boss summoning events in Terminus but so many new players that were just going about their questing were getting killed and losing their EXP and complaining, I stopped them. It's also not the best of maps to be doing mass summoning since it's quite a built up map and doesn't have the best performance.

    The other problem is that the regular Iris NPCs can't actually do anything - they don't have walking animations, let alone any fighting animations. So they would not be able to fight back. The newer ones that I added that walk around and the ones in the entrance area do though, and could be made to fight.

    But generally, the reason I would not go for something like this is because not all players are interested and it wouldn't be fair to have high level bosses demolishing them in town.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Iskander Iskander
    replied on Wednesday, April 08 2020, 08:18 AM #Permalink
    ok. I accept the reasons against the first part of the suggestion - it will really take way too much efforts to make and the results won't be good enough. But what about the second one? It won't be a script-driven monster, it should be a human-driven boss. Almost like if it was a monster card, but with full monster stats/HP/atack etc. The idea is about GM vs. Player confrontation, no just random boss spawn.
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