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Peanut Peanut
posted on Sunday, September 10 2017, 12:15 PM in Game Help & Support
Hello NoScrubs Community!

I'm and old player comming back to this server, however I'm still fairly new to the game itself.
I have two questions that I'm unable to find answers for.

First, in one of guides posted here I've read there's a paid way to change your class. However the link leading to the further instructions is dead. Could you tell me how I can change my class? To be exact, I'd love to change my sage back to shaman so I can turn warlock (or just directly to warlock if possible).

Second, how does a new player get into dungeons with parties? Is there any kind of system that would let me queue up for a dungeon or is the only way to force meet people or get in guilds and hope to be brought along? From what I've noticed there are REALLY not many calls on the chat so it almost feels like people only go for dungeons in private parties. And that unfortunately rules out new people who don't know anyone.

Thanks in advance for your time even reading this post.

I just found the party finder but it seems to be completely empty. Welp, that's a bummer.
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