Now, this is an interesting thread.
Hi, i'm
alphanumeric I know there's only few people who's familiar with my ign and yeah, i suck at online gaming. Playing games was never my forte--i can't even tell to my self that i am a gamer up to now. I play for fun, for the amusement, for the thrill, for the cute pixel-ated creatures, for the idea of being a
different person of who i am irl.
(which i failed)
I started playing Iris back in Retail. Where people are arrogant, harsh, rude, racist, discriminating, bullies, meanies, and all the shit in between. But regardless of the negative things i've experienced, i still saw the beauty in the community. I met people, i met new
friends. I never thought that i could gain some good people in an international online game
(Iris was/is the only online int game i played) because for me, well yeah it's just a game; you just go on with it like a console game wherein you can leave whenever you want, you can do whatever you like. But things felt different... I played alongside with my brother,
FallenIcarus made our own guild, did dungeons, quests, grinding, farming and w/e. And as soon as we somewhat stayed longer in the game, we then started to meet people and yeah, invited them to join our guild. I didn't thought that there'd be Filipinos in the game 'coz everyone was speaking either Malay, Viet, English, etc. No Tagalog.
I planned to be a different person when playing Iris. I wanted an escape route of who and what i was irl. But as time goes by my real attitude and personality just.... naturally showed. I don't really interact much irl--which i tried to do when i'm on Iris. I tried to talk, to open up and make friends but somehow, i failed. So, i submitted to just
"fuck it, i'll just be me and stop all this crap of trying to be a different person". I always hated the thought of fame, of popularity, of being "known"--it's pointless. Good thing i never got to be on that status because i'll hate myself if i become an attention-whore.
Playing Iris somehow thought me on how to become at least 'sociable'. I joined guilds namely PinoyAllStar, OrganizationXIII, Valkyrie and Defiance/Valentine. I met wonderful people in those guilds and i cherish those memories i had with them and to all the people i met and became friends with. Regardless of all the drama, the hate, the negativity of people, the cruelty of PK-ing and all i'm still overwhelmed with the reality of how an mmo-game somewhat reflects real life experiences.
*i have to cut this /emoness* Anyway...
Every journey has an ending, i had to end mine. So i left the game and focused more on what was/is important, real life.
Almost half a year after quitting, a close friend
(who i met on Iris) forcefed me to play in NoScrubs (LOL). I was like "Why not? It's the term-break and there's nothing much to do with my spare time so; OK." I downloaded it, registered an account, played and here i am now.

Same like how i was in Retail, i still kinda confine myself to the few people i know. Why? Because i like it that way.
So far, my experience here in NS is fantastic. I met new people and also got to see familiar faces i mean
names which made my NS experience more amazing.
Sorry if this is a bit long
? I'm trying to open-up to the community, for a change. LOL. =))
PS. Sorry for my typos.