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Xertini Xertini
posted on Monday, April 08 2013, 05:41 AM in General Chat
Inventory is still full so i'll go ahead with the 2nd round. Winners from the first are as follows

3)The Alphanumeric

if you havent inboxed me your IGN yet you need to.. I still dont have ESP :P .

Anyway for this one I wanted to know how we all joined NS Iris~

Crystalisk Spikers (already Carded)
Imbued Atlantian Celestial Wizard Gloves
Mastery Facemask
Celestial Butterfly Leggings
All Stat Card III x2


1)no bickering
2)this is for fun so lets make it fun~

Cant wait to see what you guys say \o/ I'll add mine later

Rewards Given out on: April 15

for 1st and 2nd placers i may toss in a mystery amount of gold along with your prize (no it wont be a troll amount. will be about 50-70mil). Good luck all~
Responses (13)
  • Accepted Answer

    jose jose
    replied on Wednesday, April 10 2013, 12:55 AM #Permalink
    haha lulz
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  • Accepted Answer

    Selka Selka
    replied on Tuesday, April 09 2013, 05:20 AM #Permalink
    Haha thanks Ky Ky! tired of downloading other games that you end up not playing anymore, but I do love talking with your about ANYTHING!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Tuesday, April 09 2013, 02:39 AM #Permalink
    I love you too, even though we always bump
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  • Accepted Answer

    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Tuesday, April 09 2013, 02:31 AM #Permalink
    Also gotta show some love to LiloAngel as much as you're a pain in the ass I still love you anna. lol

    Also Kelly my best friend online. We talk about anything and I mean anything to uncomfortable limits. ahahahaha And you're my gamer buddy on a lot of other games
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  • Accepted Answer

    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Tuesday, April 09 2013, 02:30 AM #Permalink
    *high five* I got banned on all my accounts on fb from Retail Iris's fb page :P
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  • Accepted Answer

    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Tuesday, April 09 2013, 02:28 AM #Permalink
    I joined Noscrubs Iris because I left retail due to the horrid rates and lack of quests. I had great guild mates whom I'm still in touch with since 2010.

    I was looking for Iris Pservers but when I looked at zIris and Hellfire they were shutting down and Noscrubs wasn't up just yet this was in January of 2010. Well I was going through and seen this review of the server. I was hesitant since it did say noobies weren't talk to much and there was a lot of fighting between Asians apparently. lol So I downloaded the game and joined on March 31st, 2010 and I went to sleep and woke up and played. I was quiet but seen tons of people running around I mean you didn't see barely an AFK apart from vendors and half the time they were using trade channel chat or mega.

    I met Waleed and XxIgneelxX first out of anyone and we leveled up together. I've been here since. I've enjoyed watching this community grow and all the people I've met even the crazy ass people likeAquabitchiana who went total mental on us. She was my source of fun sometimes XD. Met some crazy ass Norwegian with Aspergers and he was crazy and introduced me to some other awesome people and we all still talk to this day.

    I've made lots of cool friends and people I won't forget really. Magnus who the hell can forget that dumbass I mean come on if you met him or his female version, Malina (Nyasha) and the QueenTroll Bitch, Mari,my god she can be irritating but so fun to play with on here. I was a monkey and she started the whole KyKy nickname. lol Met Noriand through Mari and he is overall a very cool person and a good friend. Galadriel and Sedy knew me as an obnoxious asshole from my infamous Unfair To Donators post way back in the day! Or the rape sedy with a metal pipe mega comment on the day we had the Lisk update I believe. Now I'm the GM here I see so much hear so much and get annoyed so much but still my ass is here and you aren't getting rid of me it seems. lmao

    I've met many others like the Bish University Crew of Noscrubs. lol Still a hell of a bunch of people who are overall very cool. And Eevee who is probably one of the people like Galadriel who I can talk to and not be judgmental and can talk some sense into me

    much love here and I'll be here until sedy flips the switch to close the Noscrubs project. lol
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Tuesday, April 09 2013, 02:22 AM #Permalink
    oh ye i remember you now~ were so nice to me when i was being a brat on retail
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  • Accepted Answer

    jose jose
    replied on Tuesday, April 09 2013, 02:02 AM #Permalink
    Because i got banned on retail , then a week pass and shut down XD , i was like LOL i dont care im banned , and then i joined here on NS and i liked it :D
    IGN: RonnieRadke
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  • Accepted Answer

    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Tuesday, April 09 2013, 01:44 AM #Permalink
    I got into NS because KiraKun kept bugging us in retail to join him for some real fun and that NS was so much fun and the pvp was way better. My boyfriend and I decided we give it a try. Instantly, we joined and started to level. Everyone was so nice. Some random lv 75 gave me Remy's Ring lv 65 when i was at level 30. I thought this server is way too nice. LOL. I fell in love with NS. Never went back to retail. The only time I did was to do Lisk and even then I saw how slow all the exp and graphics were.

    Been here for over a year and still loving it (even with all the changes to...well, almost everything) =D

    Much love to NS, no matter how pissed off at real life, I know I can get into NS and just be a part of pvp, dailies, and good old dungeons.

    IGN: OnlyYours
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  • Accepted Answer

    Galadriel Admin Galadriel
    replied on Tuesday, April 09 2013, 01:27 AM #Permalink
    When Sedy had the idea of getting this server up I was getting prepared for a very serious and unexpected operation.
    I didn't join in the fun until a while later, when after all the preparatory time and the actual operation I had to lie in bed not able to move, and had to find something to do with myself.
    So I got into the game and my role more and found something to keep me occupied and forget how much pain I was in.
    I'm quite fond of Iris because of this reason.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Xertini Xertini
    replied on Tuesday, April 09 2013, 01:10 AM #Permalink
    I'll go ahead and add mine i suppose~. I was brought to NS Iris by Kage about a week before retail shut down. Majority of my pals had joined NS so i thought sure, I'll give this a try. I enjoy the stuff to do and some new friends I have made. I keep up the hope of making new pals and try to be more outgoing though i know my blunt honesty and semi-short temper sorta gets in the way, but hey~ that makes us who we are.

    IK its not much but its what came to mind (well what survived my tests from school today)

    Sidenote: I was glad you were here at NS too Selka
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  • Accepted Answer

    The Alphanumeric The Alphanumeric
    replied on Monday, April 08 2013, 10:45 AM #Permalink
    Now, this is an interesting thread. :)


    Hi, i'm alphanumeric I know there's only few people who's familiar with my ign and yeah, i suck at online gaming. Playing games was never my forte--i can't even tell to my self that i am a gamer up to now. I play for fun, for the amusement, for the thrill, for the cute pixel-ated creatures, for the idea of being a different person of who i am irl. (which i failed)

    I started playing Iris back in Retail. Where people are arrogant, harsh, rude, racist, discriminating, bullies, meanies, and all the shit in between. But regardless of the negative things i've experienced, i still saw the beauty in the community. I met people, i met new friends. I never thought that i could gain some good people in an international online game (Iris was/is the only online int game i played) because for me, well yeah it's just a game; you just go on with it like a console game wherein you can leave whenever you want, you can do whatever you like. But things felt different... I played alongside with my brother, FallenIcarus made our own guild, did dungeons, quests, grinding, farming and w/e. And as soon as we somewhat stayed longer in the game, we then started to meet people and yeah, invited them to join our guild. I didn't thought that there'd be Filipinos in the game 'coz everyone was speaking either Malay, Viet, English, etc. No Tagalog. :(

    I planned to be a different person when playing Iris. I wanted an escape route of who and what i was irl. But as time goes by my real attitude and personality just.... naturally showed. I don't really interact much irl--which i tried to do when i'm on Iris. I tried to talk, to open up and make friends but somehow, i failed. So, i submitted to just "fuck it, i'll just be me and stop all this crap of trying to be a different person". I always hated the thought of fame, of popularity, of being "known"--it's pointless. Good thing i never got to be on that status because i'll hate myself if i become an attention-whore.

    Playing Iris somehow thought me on how to become at least 'sociable'. I joined guilds namely PinoyAllStar, OrganizationXIII, Valkyrie and Defiance/Valentine. I met wonderful people in those guilds and i cherish those memories i had with them and to all the people i met and became friends with. Regardless of all the drama, the hate, the negativity of people, the cruelty of PK-ing and all i'm still overwhelmed with the reality of how an mmo-game somewhat reflects real life experiences.

    *i have to cut this /emoness* Anyway...
    Every journey has an ending, i had to end mine. So i left the game and focused more on what was/is important, real life.

    Almost half a year after quitting, a close friend (who i met on Iris) forcefed me to play in NoScrubs (LOL). I was like "Why not? It's the term-break and there's nothing much to do with my spare time so; OK." I downloaded it, registered an account, played and here i am now. :) Same like how i was in Retail, i still kinda confine myself to the few people i know. Why? Because i like it that way.

    So far, my experience here in NS is fantastic. I met new people and also got to see familiar faces i mean names which made my NS experience more amazing.


    Sorry if this is a bit long? I'm trying to open-up to the community, for a change. LOL. =))

    PS. Sorry for my typos.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Selka Selka
    replied on Monday, April 08 2013, 06:51 AM #Permalink
    I joined NS Iris because retail was getting quite boring and VulcanSuki told me to try this out. I downloaded it and instantly fell in love! Was glad to see some of the people I knew from retail were here as well and that more kept coming!

    IGN: Selka

    Side note: Although it didn't seem like it, I was happy when you showed up Vani
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