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Lady~ Lady~
posted on Tuesday, June 16 2015, 02:29 AM in Game Suggestions
Okay so this might sound pretty stupid but I think it would be cool even though it would take months/years? to develop x: So I think there should be like a human "ninja" class? So they use the mail gear but they throw shrikens xD And as a class switch they could pick that samurai sword [ a Katana I think I am not sure ] so yeh .-. * for humans I think would be best * or a archer class for elves x: idek &&& this is pretty selfish but I think guild union chat would be pretty fun >_< Thanks for reading

Accepted Answer

Sedy Admin Sedy
replied on Sunday, July 05 2015, 12:12 AM #Permalink
I think if I *did* create some new class or classes, I would totally scrap the job progression system on them. I've never liked the whole job 1, 2 and 3 system tbh - I don't see the point of it at all. I guess it was fine when there were just 2 jobs for each class, but trying to come up with new ideas and skills that fit the playstyle of the original job without just making stronger versions of the original skills is really difficult. Some of the 3rd jobs are way off from what the original class was, like Myrmidon for example, because there is only so much you can do before things start getting rehashed. I expect this is the main reason the original developers of the game didn't bother to create the 3rd jobs. It's also extremely difficult trying to keep some form of balance with so many skills on each class - close to impossible really. I know there are quite a few games that use this system but I don't recall ever seeing one that has so many skills in each job - it's usually much less.

Anyway, there are some considerations to take into account when creating a new class
1. Armor
Most armor only has models and textures for 2 races. Most cloth armor doesn't have a model/texture for Hybrids, most mail armor doesn't have a model/texture for Humans and most plate doesn't have a model/texture for Elves. There are some exceptions on some of the older armors, but not for most of the newer more fancy stuff.

Because of this it wouldn't really be possible to create something like an elven paladin because there aren't plate models for elves, and no point making any kind of cloth wearing hybrid etc.

2. Weapons
Not a major problem, but some races don't have many animations for certain weapon types - meaning skills would all look very similar for some of them. It can be worked around by adding some nice visual effects but it might get a bit repetitive looking. This is another reason I wouldn't give any new class 3 jobs - it would be be just 1 or 2 max.

3. Existing content
Creating a new class would mean creating a version of all existing armor sets and weapons unless the class was built in a way that it could use the same armor and stat builds as some other existing class. A *lot* of work in itself.

Because of this, if I were to introduce new classes, I would probably do something a bit different and make it so you can't make a level 1 new character of this new class, and instead have it as a max level, or at least high level class that you could only switch to from another existing class. For example, you would need to level some other class to 65 or something and then you could do an epic quest to class swap it to this new class. Reminds me of the system in World of Warcraft for the Deathknight class - you had to have another character at level 55 or something before you could create one and it started at 55 instead of level 1.

This would mean a lot less work since I would only need to make armor sets and weapon equivalents for high level items.

Anyway there is a lot more to consider, but those are the main things that come to mind right now. New classes are always on my mind but right now I have so many Iris projects going on at the same time I wouldn't even consider making a new class. Maybe it's something to look at once pets are done.
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Responses (14)
  • Accepted Answer

    YamiNoKishi YamiNoKishi
    replied on Tuesday, June 16 2015, 03:19 AM #Permalink
    yeah :) :)

    human - ninja
    elf - archer
    but then u forgot for hybrid, so...
    hybrid - monk;) ;)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Lady~ Lady~
    replied on Tuesday, June 16 2015, 11:58 AM #Permalink
    oh yeh D; or like a voodoo healer shiz you know & the "attacks" can be like throwing potions at members xD maybe a 2-3 person heal [in between proph and saint] omg imagine the gear if they made a monk *Q* sho cute >-
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  • Accepted Answer

    Arctic Arctic
    replied on Sunday, June 28 2015, 04:53 PM #Permalink
    i liked it xD

    some time ago i was thinking about the possibility to suggest a Druid class (for all races, but, each one would have specific skills, like the actual healers) xD. An buffer class that have channeling skills that buffs the whole party members inside it, summon tokens to debuff/buff...

    something like this:

    Humans: circles and Channeling skills that increase physical/magic attack and attack speed of the party members. The "unique debuff" to this class should be something like a "Delay status*'' to the ones inside it, and works for bosses.

    Elfs: Circles and Totem skills, that increase the allies defense and move speed. The "unique debuff" to this class should be something like a "debuff Resist decrease**" to the ones inside it, and also works for bosses.

    Common skills: ofensive skills, ground aoe that gives immunity to damages***, an relic that decrease the cooldown of skills.

    * : Delay status makes the affected ones "forgot the hp mechanics". in example: At 80% of his hp, he'll cast a AOE skill that stuns the whole party, then, with the delay status, he'll "delay it" for the next 5s.

    ** : Debuff resist defence, increase the duration of debuffs by X seconds (or the rate of the skill proceed on his effect)

    ***: A ground skill thats gives a buff to the ones who get inside, but, the buff will only be applied once and for X seconds, regardless if still inside of the ground area or not.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Lady~ Lady~
    replied on Tuesday, June 30 2015, 06:30 PM #Permalink
    ;_: we need this
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  • Accepted Answer

    Arctic Arctic
    replied on Tuesday, June 30 2015, 10:58 PM #Permalink
    XDD well it depends only on sedy. haha but he said in other threads, that to create other class he'll need create new gestures, skills effects and on and on... and it would take a long time and work... i understand his side, but would be rly nice bring to this game a new (literarely unic) class xD

    But i still hope it :3
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  • Accepted Answer

    Toruma Toruma
    replied on Saturday, July 04 2015, 08:24 AM #Permalink
    tbh I kind of think it might be easier to create class from the weapons that they already have. just cause they have the animations for the basic attack for all character w/ all weapons. and just add effects could make them into good skills.
    Humans w/ guns -> vigilante -> soldier
    Humans w/ daggers -> spy -> ninja
    Hybrid w/ staffs -> medium -> spiritualist
    Hybrid w/ rod -> thaumaturge -> necromancer
    Elves w/ great sword -> administer -> executioner
    Elves w/ duel swords -> tempest -> gale blader
    Elves w/ sword and shield -> paladin -> spellsword
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  • Accepted Answer

    Lady~ Lady~
    replied on Saturday, July 04 2015, 12:33 PM #Permalink
    we shall hope together :3 && yeah lol I understand it might take long but maybe it helps promote the game
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  • Accepted Answer

    Lady~ Lady~
    replied on Saturday, July 04 2015, 12:34 PM #Permalink
    or that xD & ohmygawd elfie pala , >.> I go for that
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Saturday, July 04 2015, 12:39 PM #Permalink
    My wish to be a Necromancer~
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    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Sunday, July 05 2015, 08:32 AM #Permalink
    And lol that WoW DeathKnight unlocking
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ecroier Ecroier
    replied on Monday, July 06 2015, 01:45 AM #Permalink
    What sedy said about making a char x lvl before you could make a certain class... yeah sounds a hell of a lot like aura kingdom's freaking necromancer x.x either way that sounds fun i'd like to see it honestly >.>
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  • Accepted Answer

    Lady~ Lady~
    replied on Wednesday, July 08 2015, 10:34 PM #Permalink
    o: I understand but that actually sounds fun , the swapping after you get to a higher level & thanks for reading our ideas anyways :3
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  • Accepted Answer

    Lady~ Lady~
    replied on Wednesday, July 08 2015, 10:35 PM #Permalink
    lmaoo you really want that necromancer xDD
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Thursday, July 09 2015, 01:08 PM #Permalink
    Dude can you imagine *_* I can summon skulls and ghosties!
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