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Vulcan Vulcan
posted on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 03:01 AM in Game Suggestions
Before anyone start to discuss about this, please read the whole thing. There are some reasons which make me think that Ulric/Friggid Ice Queen should be moved to a PvP map.

First of all, most of bosses such as Tundro(SS)/Sraclone(FN)/Sakun(CV)/Livid(CS)/Cringer(CS)/Lost Mysterion(NFS) are in Pk map. Why would Ulric/Ice queen should be spawned in PvE maps?
Second reason, Ulric is a strong boss, put it in EOA will trouble players who happen to do dailies there. Most of players who do daily there cannot tank the boss. Ulric just need 1 to 2 hit to kill anyone at that level. Same for Frigid Ice Queen, but it worse since people at that level are too low against them.
Third reason, Ulric drop weapons which have best stat in the game (up until now). Moving it to a PvP map would motivate people to gear up and improve their skill since you have to actually fight for it, instead of "HITTING IT AND RUN AROUND THEN RESET IT UNTIL YOU GUILDIE COME".
That are 3 main reasons why I suggest to move ulric/Frigid Ice Queen to Pvp map.
Here is some moving spot suggestion.
Ulric can be moved to Corrupted Valley at the lake (397,393)
Ice Queen(level 65) can be moved to Night Forest (209,80)
If anyone wanna to discuss about this, please be polite. I would say I cannot stop anyone from being mean/mocking/etc. but please do not put yourself in a low lever.
Thank you
IGN: VulcanSuki
Responses (43)
  • Accepted Answer

    Vianie Vianie
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 05:10 AM #Permalink
    hey.. dont try make this server full of wars.. all lowbie just need to need to be carefull..
    i think the reason frigid and ulric spawn in normal map is for make all ppl easier to do them quest,camp, or PVE for some lowbie. if you make like that maybe u will make all ppl quit from this server.
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 05:43 AM #Permalink
    Hi ddi0510, thank you for replying the topic. 1st of all, my name is not hey so i appreciate if you would be nice to start a conversation with hello. And for you reply, Frigid is for quest yes, but Ulric is not for any quest (up until now). I would like also to ask reason why all people would quit this server? Can you give me a good explanation with detail? Because if you are trying to exaggerate the problem, that would be very rude to me and I take that as an offend. Have a good day ddi0510
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  • Accepted Answer

    Hannah Hannah
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 05:43 AM #Permalink
    From what i hear, its already hard enough for a lot of people because a certain guild that shall remain nameless, already sits and camps bosses in PVP maps and kills everyone that walks by. Its already hard enough to find most of the bosses. Especially those of us who cant be on Iris every day. I still haven't finished the 2nd part of Pest Control. And I completely refuse to finish it. Its just not worth the hassle and headache.

    I kind of agree that Frigid is in a bad spot. Its almost impossible for the poor level 30s to walk by without her 1 hitting them. But lets be realistic. The whole game doesn't revolve around PVP.

    ddi0510 is partially right. there's already enough QQing here on the forums, and people trash talking in game because they were spawn killed. From the ignorant people that choose to ignore the rules. Or, sorry to say, those people that don't speak English well, or at all. That think they aren't doing anything wrong. Gala must always have her hands full with this constantly. Lets not make things 10 times worse. :lol:

    And Ulric I could really care less about. I do my own thing. I keep myself busy and have fun doing what I want to do, and no one else can take that away from me. I prefer these bosses where they are. But that's just my opinion
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  • Accepted Answer

    Kimberly Kimberly
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 06:15 AM #Permalink
    When Ulrich and Livid were added to this server, Sedy made it so that people who dislike pvp and want a pve boss map can have one. Just like people who like PvP have Livid to hunt. Both weapons on both bosses are the same stats, so it makes little difference that Ulrich is PvE. You still have a chance to go for Livid as well. Same stats on all the weapons :) Not everyone wants PvP.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 06:21 AM #Permalink
    Hi xskatergirlx, it would be nice to start a conversation with a greeting like I said from my previous post. Anyway back to your reply, I would like to have this topic to be an open topic. I may suggest you should name whichever guild you think camping and kill people who walk by. Anyway back to the reply again, If anyone ever got Pk in a PvP map, there are at least 2 things you can always do. First, you can always call your guildie to back you up and fight back, that is what guildie for. Second, you can choose to move away from them or leave the PvP map. In case you are hunting bosses as well, you can call your friends/guildie/union to back you up to get the boss.
    For trash talking issue, I personally think that trash talk is always there in any GAME ONLINE. There is nothing you can do about it. It is up to players to decide how they behave in game.
    For Spawn killing, I think it does not have any connection with this topic i make up there
    For giving GM more problem to deal with, what you can do is stop making more problem which has to deal with players in game not this topic. PvP map was created to be a place where players duel each other freely without requesting permission. I do not want to be rude but I have to say it is not a picnic place. Spawn killing rule was created to protect players; However, people abusing it so badly in order to get other people banned.
    Anyway, I appreciate you giving up some time, read through the post and give your opinion in a friendly way :P . I hope would we have more of friendly discussion like that in future. Please feel free to express your opinion
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 06:26 AM #Permalink
    Hi sakuragirl19, thank you for the useful information you just give me. But i would have to disagree with you. Livid spawn time is messed up (i may be wrong so sorry if i was wrong). I havent seen much of naturally spawn livid in game from the time i joined which is about 1 to 1 and haft month ago. However, Ulric has spawned a lot (or very often). I would like to hear more useful information about Livid spawn time so I can get a better view.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Liloangel Liloangel
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 06:51 AM #Permalink
    Hmm, the way I see it is if world bosses exist in server then they should be put in PvP maps. I understand what Vulcan is saying because all world boss except for Livid and Ulric is part of chain quest. Lowbies have to go through both Frigid and Ulric for dailies or wanted papers or quests, so why not make them spawn in PvP maps just like the other world bosses. From what I hear, EOA use to be PvP anyways.

    Pvp gears were meant for pvp so why not use them in pvp maps. Lots of people QQ about all sort of things on here. It's just simple enough to move the other 2 world boss to pvp. Now this is clearly all in my opinion. If fighting is involved for the bosses then so be it but why not make it more fun that way. And plus Auction makes it easy for people to get Livid and Ulric weapons already.
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    Vianie Vianie
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 06:52 AM #Permalink
    sry if my comment offend to you, but i didnt mean that. Thats real if all the boss in PvP maps and liked you said ask ur guildie for back up you, is not that will be a war when other ppl with diff guilds want that boss and didnt want to shared with the other?

    When Ulrich and Livid were added to this server, Sedy made it so that people who dislike pvp and want a pve boss map can have one. Just like people who like PvP have Livid to hunt. Both weapons on both bosses are the same stats, so it makes little difference that Ulrich is PvE. You still have a chance to go for Livid as well. Same stats on all the weapons :) Not everyone wants PvP.

    about all ppl will quit maybe i'll change that to some ppl. like sakuragirl19 said, not everyone like and want PvP. if all boss spawn in pvp maps maybe some ppl who dislike PvP will be quit bc cant finish their quest.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 07:17 AM #Permalink
    It does not have to be war when it come to bosses. When you found a boss or bosses, you can choose to call your guildie only to come and kill it or you can mega and look for union to kill it. I have to say this even it may be rude to you but "NOT A GUILD CAN ALWAYS HAVE ENOUGH PEOPLE ONLINE TO KILL BOSSES ALL THE TIME". So the idea of a guild keep all bosses to themselves is generally wrong. Ulric/Livid/Lost Mysterion/Cringer require a raid party to kill it. That is a fact that every already know.
    For the quote you take from sakuragirl19, I already reply a short reply for it so I would like to ask you to check it.
    Please do not take it in a wrong direction that I want to create a chaos in game and force people to quit the game because that is totally wrong.
    Hi lilo :P, thank you for joining the dicussion. Some of your information is quite useful. First of all, I have never ever known about Auction selling Livid/Ulric's weapon. I think is should check forum more often and join to get something for myself next time :P. Also, I have never known EOA was a PvP map. Can you tell me what happen to it?
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    Hannah Hannah
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 08:00 AM #Permalink
    I may suggest you should name whichever guild you think camping and kill people who walk by

    I don't think that's a good idea. Sakuragirl knows who I am talking about. And i'm not starting to point fingers at anyone.

    I know what can be done when you get PKed in a map. Im not new to Iris or this server. Unfortunately, the stronger donators make it impossible to do anything about it. People like to fight dirty and cheap. And what does moving away have to do with anyone trying to kill these bosses for a quest. Those people camp there. Not just once, but often. And make it very hard for anyone not in their guild to kill it. If it was me, and i sold the equipment Ulric dropped for money, why would i let any one else outside of our guild kill it? Or better yet... why would we let anyone else kill it just because we want to hog it for ourselves? Put yourself in their shoes.

    Trashtalking happens everywhere. Even outside of online games. But i only meant to use trashtalking on the forums and complaining on the forums as an example. Putting more of the bosses in PVP maps makes more people complain about things on here. And thats not what Gala or Sedy wants. And its not what i want. Don't forget I'm a mod and I watch all your posts, to make sure everyone follows the rules and that everyone posts in the right section. And flame posts get locked and/or deleted. Usually not that long after they are posted. So even though you don't see them doesn't mean they don't happen.

    And spawn killing does have to do with your topic. Putting more bosses in the PVP maps makes more people wandering around looking. And that brings more people to break the rules. Intentional or unintentional. You don't seem to understand this. PVP areas were also made to be a sort of fun for some people. Yeah, people are breaking the rules. And you dont think that people don't get angry when it happens? For someone thats only been here 2 months, I don't really expect you to understand. Those of us who have been around longer, do understand.

    I personally like the idea of not having to PVP maps for every boss. They are fine where they are. And unless there are a lot of people that agree, Sedy won't be moving them any time soon,

    And yes, EOA used to be a PVP map a long time ago in retail. Before they released other maps.
    *edit* I don't want to sound like i'm men or something. Just I'm trying to think of whats best for the players and best for the server. The pandemic of stupid needs to end. not made worse. :P
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 09:13 AM #Permalink
    Hi xskatergirlx, most of people know what to do when they get PK-ed in a map but they refuse to do in. Instead, they start QQ-ing about it. Not all people choose to fight dirty and cheap. For people who need bosses for quest, they can call for back up. There are tons of tactics anyone can use to get a boss in the same time avoiding the other players. Everyone likes to kill boss, it is all about loot in the end. Everyone, every party, every raid union or guild have the right to choose to take it for individual, group, or guild or share it with other people. I would like to ask you a question, what would we do if people camp for Ulric get 1st hit, keep running around, until their guildie log in maybe like 4 to 5 hours later and kill it? is that fair? what would the other party come to kill it will feel? I do not think we can just say to them "better luck next time to get 1st hit because this is mine" right?
    For Pro players, Epic here drop is fairly good, a good players define themselves base on their skill which mean how good they control their class's skill, how to make combos, and how they work as a team. It is not all about donating money and get upper hand with OP moolah stuff. I would like to mention it again in a clearer way, I am new here, 2 months is not that long to help me understand perfectly what is going on in Noscrubs Iris; however I do understand that a SKILLFUL PLAYER(s) can make it through with or without Moolah's production. It is all depend on how much you know about your class that you are playing, how you organize your tactic fighting and your team.
    For Spawn killing, again I have to say, that is all about how people behave themselves. You cannot clutter everyone in a same group. I can see that GMs here working very hard to keep everyone happy. They make rules to prevent bad things happen, create event to help players enjoy themselves more. I myself personally love GMs here for their activeness. I am a little bit off topic here so back to topic. Spawn Killing is being abused to reported people that the reporter has some personal problem with. What have you done about it? I will suggest some example of how it has been done.
    Ex: Some people PvP in a PvP map then run back to portal and die there, they take a SS and report in forum declare that they were spawn killed.
    Ex: Trash talking/mocking other players at the portal then run out to provoke. Got killed and report it and claimed they are spawn killed.
    I would love to see GMs take action and at least warn them about it. That is the problem that people create for GMs to deal with which I think is pointless.
    That is what I think about your reply. :P Thank you again for an interesting reply which give me some new aspects and information. I appreciate your time. Feel free to express your opinion. Im enjoying discussing this with you.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 09:20 AM #Permalink
    I would like to add a quick question for you xskatergirlx, why is it only sakuragirl know who you was talking about? Is it because sakuragirl does not like this idea which lead to a disagreement on the topic? i would like to remain it as a question, no offend. I also thought that it is kinda rude to keep all in the shadow while I am openly talking to anyone who join this conversation. There are few thing make me feel quite uncomfortable about that sentence from you. Anyway, It is up to you to say it or keep it. I am just saying
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  • Accepted Answer

    Allen Allen
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 10:08 AM #Permalink
    I agree with this suggestion 100%. Iris is a great and wonderful pvp game. I have seen other games with similar or probably better gameplay but none of them matches iris' fast-paced, real-time pvp style(except for RO lol). Its sadly, also the only reason why I and some of my friends still play. It's a shame to see all the pimped players in the game just afking in terminus or spamming the same dungeons for the same gears over and over again everyday, everyweek. What are we farming and donating high-end gears for anyway? I really really hope its not just to display our characters in terminus. That would be extremely dull and boring. If it weren't for DM/FM and the occasional LM/Cringer/Livid bosses, any one who plays iris to compete against each other in PVP would have quit already.

    @skategirl. There's enough PVE in this server for butterfly-rainbow-flower-teddybear players who doesn't want anything to do with PVP and are more interested in picture contests in this forums. And that's alright, players have different wants. Some want PVP, some want to look cute and scary with gears. Besides that, Ulric is not fine where it is right now and I'll give you my reasons: 1.) whoever hits Ulric first owns him forever and the rest of the players can only hope to be invited to be able to roll for blood weapons. That won't happen in a pvp map because you can interupt and compete for him. 2.) There's a lot of strong people out there from different guilds who can compete with everyone else for any boss in any pvp map but dont enough balls to go PVP that's all. With Ulric and possibly free Bloodweapons at stake, everyone is gonna be motivated. 3.) Everyday when we go online we want to spend most of our time utilizing the gear/food/potions/cards/watermelon we farm all day not only in dungeons but mostly for pvp too. Also, no one technically "needs" the weapons Ulric or Livid drops. The same tier of weapons stats-wise can be obtained from Sedy-chain quest which is available for everyone and like what Liloangel said, Sedy holds an auction for rare weapons, too. People want Ulric and Livid simply because they drop better-looking weapons. Not because they're still using a lvl 65 weapon and want an upgrade. I don't see the need of keeping him in a non-pvp map. I'm surprised he was there in the first place.

    Livid is cool, but with its spawn rate the same as seeing a shooting star in broad daylight,(which I hope can be fixed) he's not gonna be enough. Cringer and LM's drops are already obsolete because of the Crystalisk armors/accessories and Livid/Ulric/Sedy-quest weapons. So yeah I really think moving Ulric to a PVP map is must. Make him deal more damage or more HP, or whatever it is to make sure he doesn't go down easily so that everyone can spend hours killing each other in pvp maps for him. Everyone will be motivated to get stronger. Everything we farm will have a use. Not all will agree with me but in my opinion that's a much better way to spend our consumables and time instead of running around terminus.

    Also, I don't think its the pvp players are the ones ruining the game with hate, it's those who'd rather make it messy by bringing whatever in-game conflict they have here in the forums, making things worse than it should be by complaining, trying to get whoever pk-ed them banned, or discriminate them as abusive warfreaks who kill for no reason which usually sparks unnecessary trash-talking and hate. Verbal wars are sparked because of boredom and losing. Bosses in pvp maps will fix them both, at least indirectly. (people wont be bored, people will get stronger to keep competing = no more losing)

    I'm not saying people like those don't exist. There will always be assholes who'll abuse inferior people to them. ALL MMO I've played have that. But you are missing the fact that every gear in the game can be acquired without the need of visiting pvp maps anyway and everyone is actually capable of gearing up for PVP for future boss hunts. Guilds are there to make sure the newbies have the support they need from more geared players or if a certain group of people wants to work as a team to get what they want. Everyone can do what everyone else are doing. Sedy made sure leveling and acquiring gears in the game is easy enough already.

    Anyway after the wall of text I just wrote, what I'm trying to say is we need something to do at the end of the day after gathering all the items we want to make our character stronger. We need to utilize them. We need an "end-game." Don't drag the rest of the server into the boringness of too much PVE. I've been an active player here since June 2011, so yeah, I know what I'm talking about.
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    apple apple
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 02:35 PM #Permalink
    I agree with this suggestion 100%. Iris is a great and wonderful pvp game. I have seen other games with similar or probably better gameplay but none of them matches iris' fast-paced, real-time pvp style(except for RO lol). Its sadly, also the only reason why I and some of my friends still play. It's a shame to see all the pimped players in the game just afking in terminus or spamming the same dungeons for the same gears over and over again everyday, everyweek. What are we farming and donating high-end gears for anyway? I really really hope its not just to display our characters in terminus. That would be extremely dull and boring. If it weren't for DM/FM and the occasional LM/Cringer/Livid bosses, any one who plays iris to compete against each other in PVP would have quit already.

    @skategirl. There's enough PVE in this server for butterfly-rainbow-flower-teddybear players who doesn't want anything to do with PVP and are more interested in picture contests in this forums. And that's alright, players have different wants. Some want PVP, some want to look cute and scary with gears. Besides that, Ulric is not fine where it is right now and I'll give you my reasons: 1.) whoever hits Ulric first owns him forever and the rest of the players can only hope to be invited to be able to roll for blood weapons. That won't happen in a pvp map because you can interupt and compete for him. 2.) There's a lot of strong people out there from different guilds who can compete with everyone else for any boss in any pvp map but dont enough balls to go PVP that's all. With Ulric and possibly free Bloodweapons at stake, everyone is gonna be motivated. 3.) Everyday when we go online we want to spend most of our time utilizing the gear/food/potions/cards/watermelon we farm all day not only in dungeons but mostly for pvp too. Also, no one technically "needs" the weapons Ulric or Livid drops. The same tier of weapons stats-wise can be obtained from Sedy-chain quest which is available for everyone and like what Liloangel said, Sedy holds an auction for rare weapons, too. People want Ulric and Livid simply because they drop better-looking weapons. Not because they're still using a lvl 65 weapon and want an upgrade. I don't see the need of keeping him in a non-pvp map. I'm surprised he was there in the first place.

    Livid is cool, but with its spawn rate the same as seeing a shooting star in broad daylight,(which I hope can be fixed) he's not gonna be enough. Cringer and LM's drops are already obsolete because of the Crystalisk armors/accessories and Livid/Ulric/Sedy-quest weapons. So yeah I really think moving Ulric to a PVP map is must. Make him deal more damage or more HP, or whatever it is to make sure he doesn't go down easily so that everyone can spend hours killing each other in pvp maps for him. Everyone will be motivated to get stronger. Everything we farm will have a use. Not all will agree with me but in my opinion that's a much better way to spend our consumables and time instead of running around terminus.

    Also, I don't think its the pvp players are the ones ruining the game with hate, it's those who'd rather make it messy by bringing whatever in-game conflict they have here in the forums, making things worse than it should be by complaining, trying to get whoever pk-ed them banned, or discriminate them as abusive warfreaks who kill for no reason which usually sparks unnecessary trash-talking and hate. Verbal wars are sparked because of boredom and losing. Bosses in pvp maps will fix them both, at least indirectly. (people wont be bored, people will get stronger to keep competing = no more losing)

    I'm not saying people like those don't exist. There will always be assholes who'll abuse inferior people to them. ALL MMO I've played have that. But you are missing the fact that every gear in the game can be acquired without the need of visiting pvp maps anyway and everyone is actually capable of gearing up for PVP for future boss hunts. Guilds are there to make sure the newbies have the support they need from more geared players or if a certain group of people wants to work as a team to get what they want. Everyone can do what everyone else are doing. Sedy made sure leveling and acquiring gears in the game is easy enough already.

    Anyway after the wall of text I just wrote, what I'm trying to say is we need something to do at the end of the day after gathering all the items we want to make our character stronger. We need to utilize them. We need an "end-game." Don't drag the rest of the server into the boringness of too much PVE. I've been an active player here since June 2011, so yeah, I know what I'm talking about.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 03:52 PM #Permalink
    Well this becoming a borderline flame post LOL :P

    I took Ulric because I wanted to show you guys that community in this game is dying. No guild wants to team up with the other anymore. Either it's you team up with me or we won't join in killing. No one in this game trust one another really. One slight mess up and someone is kicked from a guild. No one wants to help one another no more.

    There has been a guild who use to close off areas to people even low levels before and they PKed them if they went into that area. That better not be happening again no guild better be griefing people to an extreme.

    PvP in this game has been an essential since I came here and was in CBT on retail. People like to test out on other players. Now I see at least 2-3 spawn kill reports a day. Stop AFKing there guys like in CS on the opposite side of the portal is Ursadine go there. People are starting to kill people at portals and making false accusations like saying they didn't run there. Some are legit post. It's getting out of hand.

    Donators are not OP anyhow anymore at least. All of you have access to what they have now. Most of you have wings. Heck people with wings could still be owned by non donators. It don't matter anymore

    You guys need to work together because you are not giving a good image to new people coming to noscrubs. There was a review in the past on our server of the fighting and that to them made this server unfriendly to them.

    You all are starting to become blinded with greed in this game. No one wants to help no one out anymore. I use to give new people that were new lvl 60 epics and all to be nice on my normal account before I became a GM.

    The bosses are fine where they are. Every game has world bosses on PvP maps and Non-PvP maps. It keeps people at bay because some are more ponies and rainbows and don't like PvP but can't be unfair to them because of their choice.

    I hope you guys can learn to work out your differences and just do an old fashion leader takes the loot and you all roll and then the person who wins just seals and goes on about their own business.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 04:14 PM #Permalink
    The answer to your problems is:

    Ulric will spawn in his current location and a new location on a PvP map randomly.

    It will be in the next update.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Hannah Hannah
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 05:02 PM #Permalink
    Well this becoming a borderline flame post LOL :P

    I took Ulric because I wanted to show you guys that community in this game is dying. No guild wants to team up with the other anymore. Either it's you team up with me or we won't join in killing. No one in this game trust one another really. One slight mess up and someone is kicked from a guild. No one wants to help one another no more.

    There has been a guild who use to close off areas to people even low levels before and they PKed them if they went into that area. That better not be happening again no guild better be griefing people to an extreme.

    PvP in this game has been an essential since I came here and was in CBT on retail. People like to test out on other players. Now I see at least 2-3 spawn kill reports a day. Stop AFKing there guys like in CS on the opposite side of the portal is Ursadine go there. People are starting to kill people at portals and making false accusations like saying they didn't run there. Some are legit post. It's getting out of hand.

    Donators are not OP anyhow anymore at least. All of you have access to what they have now. Most of you have wings. Heck people with wings could still be owned by non donators. It don't matter anymore

    You guys need to work together because you are not giving a good image to new people coming to noscrubs. There was a review in the past on our server of the fighting and that to them made this server unfriendly to them.

    You all are starting to become blinded with greed in this game. No one wants to help no one out anymore. I use to give new people that were new lvl 60 epics and all to be nice on my normal account before I became a GM.

    The bosses are fine where they are. Every game has world bosses on PvP maps and Non-PvP maps. It keeps people at bay because some are more ponies and rainbows and don't like PvP but can't be unfair to them because of their choice.

    I hope you guys can learn to work out your differences and just do an old fashion leader takes the loot and you all roll and then the person who wins just seals and goes on about their own business.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 06:36 PM #Permalink
    Hi GM Darcel. First of all, from the current location of ulric now, whoever hit first have priority to anything that have to deal with the boss from killing it, inviting for it, waiting for others. I understand what did you try to do; However, i have to disagree with the solution you used. First of all, we have the first hit from it. Therefore, we do not have to join them in their party for whatsoever reason. Another reason for that is, they refused to join us after we nicely asked them to join us in our party and share the loot. Last but not least, they tried to steal the boss from us by using a player with high aggro attack and lure it away. It is stealing. So I would like to ask you how would you deal with that? Thank you for joining the conversation. I appreciate your time and your concern on the community and players :P

    Hi GM Sedy. Thank you for coming up with a solution for the topic. I would like to ask what will happen to Frigid Ice Queen? and I also would like to ask what will happen to Livid spawn time?
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    Allen Allen
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 07:29 PM #Permalink
    Well this becoming a borderline flame post LOL :P

    I'm sorry If my previous post was less subtle than it should be. But I had to do it to prove my point.

    Well this becoming a borderline flame post LOL :P

    I took Ulric because I wanted to show you guys that community in this game is dying. No guild wants to team up with the other anymore. Either it's you team up with me or we won't join in killing. No one in this game trust one another really. One slight mess up and someone is kicked from a guild. No one wants to help one another no more.

    I disagree. The reason why this community is dying is because of the slow updates of content, I'm not talking about Noscrubs, I'm talking about the whole game itself, Iris online. It may seem like I'm trying to kiss Sedy's ass here a bit but I must say he has done a good job keeping things flowing with the limited content he has on hand. But we have to admit, despite Sedy's efforts, without any major changes (new levels, 3rd jobs, new tier of weapons/armors/acces) life in this game is not gonna be promising.

    Whatever conflicts there are between guilds are simply in-game issues that every natural mmo have. You can't honestly expect everyone in the game to be one big family don't you? There will always be competition. There will always be jealous people. There will always be mad people. Our choice to help others or not is simply up to us to decide.

    There has been a guild who use to close off areas to people even low levels before and they PKed them if they went into that area. That better not be happening again no guild better be griefing people to an extreme.

    I am not aware of who that guild is, since you won't give a name. But I assure you, with the rate of how people report stuff such as spawn-killing and etc and how the punishments are handed out. I highly doubt anyone would even bother to abuse the rules unless they are either extremely stupid or ignorant to keep doing so.

    PvP in this game has been an essential since I came here and was in CBT on retail. People like to test out on other players. Now I see at least 2-3 spawn kill reports a day. Stop AFKing there guys like in CS on the opposite side of the portal is Ursadine go there. People are starting to kill people at portals and making false accusations like saying they didn't run there. Some are legit post. It's getting out of hand.

    Donators are not OP anyhow anymore at least. All of you have access to what they have now. Most of you have wings. Heck people with wings could still be owned by non donators. It don't matter anymore

    I am in complete agreement with this.

    You guys need to work together because you are not giving a good image to new people coming to noscrubs. There was a review in the past on our server of the fighting and that to them made this server unfriendly to them.

    I didn't want to promote PVP to raise "fighting" on a personal level. Being mad at one person for getting their ass kicked in PVP is their own personal problem. If you can't pvp then don't bother. Again, like what I said in my previous post, a lot of things can be achieved in NS without the need to PVP. I'm simply suggestin to make things more interesting in the end where there's nothing else to do.

    The bosses are fine where they are. Every game has world bosses on PvP maps and Non-PvP maps. It keeps people at bay because some are more ponies and rainbows and don't like PvP but can't be unfair to them because of their choice.

    I see what you did there
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 09:18 PM #Permalink
    Hi GM Sedy, I just want to add a quick question. What is the rate spawn between PvP and PvE map of Ulric? and Time spawn after it die?
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    Kimberly Kimberly
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 09:59 PM #Permalink
    Time and spawn rate is for the players to figure out. =) The only way people figured out the other world bosses (Tundro, Sraclone, Sakun) was after many times camping and calculating all the time and spawn. Admins can't just give away the secrets. :P Just got to use a little math.
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 10:14 PM #Permalink
    Time spawn can be kept as a secret, that is totally fine. But spawn rate between PvP map and PvE in my opinion should be announced. People should be aware of the statistic about spawn rate so they know what they can expect about bosses. Most of the bosses only spawn in 1 map. However, from Sedy that Ulric will be spawn in 2 different maps in the next update, that would be the very least that should be noticed to players.
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    Hannah Hannah
    replied on Tuesday, April 10 2012, 11:11 PM #Permalink
    Sedy and Gala will not release the spawn time of any of the bosses. That you are going to have to figure out on your own as Sakuragirl said
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 01:41 AM #Permalink
    There are 2 things i ask GMs to think about giving out or not. That is spawn time (Which is true that players should camp and get it by themselves) and Spawn rate between 2 maps. Why are you and sakuragirl focus only on spawn time and ignore the other side of my question? Spawn Rate mean is that 50% chance in PvP map and 50% chance in PvE map? or 40% 60% or something else. Please read this carefully before reply for this.
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    Kimberly Kimberly
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 01:45 AM #Permalink
    They're not going to give spawn rate either. You just have to camp and see =)

    Edit: I also mentioned both in my post :S maybe you missed that.
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    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 01:47 AM #Permalink
    I meant by community dying is people playing together not the population.

    Yes we can't be a happy family but don't mean people can't try.

    There will always be competition

    There is no reason to mention that guild because it would be something someone would use in fights.

    I don't mean PvP as a personal matter I mean the silly fights in shout, megaphone, and normal. The fights like a group of 3 people running around with a world boss as long as they can. People will try and steal that it's a natural thing. Who gets the most will just wipe the floor with the smaller group and reset the boss. In the end it will lead to a message to Galadriel or Sedy or a post made in forums. It erupts into fights which always end up in megaphone where others can see and then that is just annoying. There was really no way to solve that. Vulcan's group would have got enough but Yasu's group would have stayed and continued to try and take. So in the end it would have still continued unless I had stepped and just did that..

    Just try to solve the issues without involving us. Unless you guys start spamming megaphone or start to be a bother to other players not involved.
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    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 02:17 AM #Permalink
    I unlocked this thread since I see it as healthy discussion, nothing wrong with that. I like to see what people think, without it I won't know what direction to take the game in future updates.

    Currently spawn time of Livid and Ulric are the same. I won't give figures, but the way Iris works with spawn rates is time of death + time set by me. It's that simple. I'm not sure why we are having problems with the timer for Livid, or if we truly are having an issue. I will check it some more for the next update and possibly reduce the timer as well.

    When I made those two new bosses I wanted to have one on the PvE map because it was supposed to be a more difficult encounter and would be hard enough without interference from others on a PvP map. It didn't really turn out that way since the boss isn't really difficult. I think Livid is actually more difficult isn't it? However, I do not like or agree with people tagging bosses infinitely until their guild arrives, especially if there is another guild there and prepared to fight the boss, it's lame. One person should not be able to take on a boss solo for any amount of time really.

    Before I can give out any information on spawn times between the two maps I need to figure out how I will do this. So I'll let you guys know once I know for certain.
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 03:08 AM #Permalink
    First of all, you are not GM. I would like to ask you politely to not telling thing that seem to be decided by you. I would love to hear from GMs because it is the most correct information that anyone can get. Second, I read your reply again and I am truly sorry for missing the information you have already given on your previous post.

    I appreciate your time come to help us resolves the problem, That was the very nice thing that GM has done to help the game go smoothly. However, stealing is still stealing, we have enough people to kill it. In my opinion, what they should have done are to join us or to leave us alone. There are reasons which make us choose not to join their party which they refused to understand. We make an offer to join force to kill it, not deny all and give them no choice to the point they have to hit and steal it. Put yourself in our shoes and think about it. Also I make this topic is not just about the accident happen the day I post this post. I make this post with the purpose to motivate players, stop sitting in terminus, go improve their skill, compete against others and have some fun. I have been playing quite a few MMO game and I have seen a lot of thing as well. Dungeons have become very easy that individual can actually solo it. Dungeon now is not a real challenge for players anymore. PvP is one of the most important part of an MMO that I have to say. People who PvP will play against the other PvP-er which has their own way of fighting style. Party Vs Party will motivate players to come up with plans/tactics in order to win against other team. Is it a very simple fact to spend gears that people farmed/ times spend in game/ etc. into something that is interesting. NPC monsters are all programmed, they will only do 1 thing over and over no matter what you do to it. That is what I thought when I open this topic.
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    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 03:14 AM #Permalink
    First of all, you are not GM. I would like to ask you politely to not telling thing that seem to be decided by you. I would love to hear from GMs because it is the most correct information that anyone can get. Second, I read your reply again and I am truly sorry for missing the information you have already given on your previous post.

    I appreciate your time come to help us resolves the problem, That was the very nice thing that GM has done to help the game go smoothly. However, stealing is still stealing, we have enough people to kill it. In my opinion, what they should have done are to join us or to leave us alone. There are reasons which make us choose not to join their party which they refused to understand. We make an offer to join force to kill it, not deny all and give them no choice to the point they have to hit and steal it. Put yourself in our shoes and think about it. Also I make this topic is not just about the accident happen the day I post this post. I make this post with the purpose to motivate players, stop sitting in terminus, go improve their skill, compete against others and have some fun. I have been playing quite a few MMO game and I have seen a lot of thing as well. Dungeons have become very easy that individual can actually solo it. Dungeon now is not a real challenge for players anymore. PvP is one of the most important part of an MMO that I have to say. People who PvP will play against the other PvP-er which has their own way of fighting style. Party Vs Party will motivate players to come up with plans/tactics in order to win against other team. Is it a very simple fact to spend gears that people farmed/ times spend in game/ etc. into something that is interesting. NPC monsters are all programmed, they will only do 1 thing over and over no matter what you do to it. That is what I thought when I open this topic.

    Yasu was stating the obvious you don't have to be a GM to know that. Sedy will not give the spawn times. Create your time chart like past players have.

    I know but the boss is in a PvE map currently Vulcan. And like I said you waiting for more guild mates was lame. If someone more organized and ready takes it oh well they steal but they steal cuz they are ready. if it happens again then it happens. i was on and asked to solve it i did. simple as that
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    Son Nguyen Son Nguyen
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 03:34 AM #Permalink
    I totally agree with what akattom said.

    There's too much and enough PvE in this game for people to gear up themselves already. They can farm Crystalisk, Laioha Insane, Decomus Insane for good items, and do Lord Sedy's quest for better gears. The weapon from Lord Sedy has same stats with Ulric and Livid items too, so move Ulric to a PVP map doesn't stop ppl from being stronger.

    Ppl complain about 2nd quest from Lord Sedy, but in my opinion, they're just to lazy to kick their asses to camp. I have school, family and real life too, but I finished 2nd Q for 5 chars in just 3 days for each char. Of course I need help from my friends, or other campers. We helped each other when we didn't have time to online.

    Some people are interested in being stronger to be pretty, but others are so bored because of slow update (blame offcial Iris) and there's nothing to do, so should have some competition to have something to do instead of afk to farm tears in Terminus.

    Moreover, Livid haven't spawned for like a month, but Ulric can spawn everyday or just after 3-4days. And as I know, people prefer Ulric's items than Livid's one (just my opinion) because some Livid's items look not quite good on their chars.

    And yea you can't do anything when the hate come from other side.
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    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 03:50 AM #Permalink
    Well the thing is you can't be unfair to the non-pvp people. some people want armors just for looks. plus this is a private server it's mean to be different and try to stand out :P
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 04:12 AM #Permalink
    First of all, when I was there, my guildie was at portal or moving in the location from terminus. Then they came with only 1 or 2 while I have 3 people including me standing by the boss. Anyone would have to hit it to make sure they do not lose the benefit in front of them. You can call me lame, I do not mind it; However, I am not the only who being lame. So before you call me lame next time, please at least think over before you say it. How do you know that Yasu's group has not done it before? or any other groups as well. I also would like to ask you a question. Stealing bosses from other people in PvE map or what I would prefer to say Ks(Kill steal) in purpose is not wrong?
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    Hannah Hannah
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 04:35 AM #Permalink
    Vulcan, please read Sedy's post again carefully. I was not there. But i am talking with Yasu right now. And I am not sure if this is the same situation or not. But apparently there was 2 of you. 1 healer and another sitting there waiting for the rest of your guild. And Yasu's group had a full party.

    I will quote what Sedy said again
    When I made those two new bosses I wanted to have one on the PvE map because it was supposed to be a more difficult encounter and would be hard enough without interference from others on a PvP map. It didn't really turn out that way since the boss isn't really difficult. I think Livid is actually more difficult isn't it? However, I do not like or agree with people tagging bosses infinitely until their guild arrives, especially if there is another guild there and prepared to fight the boss, it's lame. One person should not be able to take on a boss solo for any amount of time really.

    You can't hold the boss just for your guild if someone else's group is there to fight it. That is not Kill stealing.
    Pandora is NOT the only guild in this game. And you guys do not own it. You guys do this all the time. All you think about is yourselves. As Darcel said:
    You guys need to work together because you are not giving a good image to new people coming to noscrubs. There was a review in the past on our server of the fighting and that to them made this server unfriendly to them.

    You all are starting to become blinded with greed in this game. No one wants to help no one out anymore. I use to give new people that were new lvl 60 epics and all to be nice on my normal account before I became a GM.

    you are greedy and selfish. There are other guilds that play. Please be respectful to other people. Work with others. Not just amongst yourselves

    Non PVP map bosses - Ulric, Glaceon Frigid, Athelon. and 1 more.. im forgetting
    PVP map bosses - Sakun, Sraclone., Tundro, Lost Mysterion. Cringer, and Livid
    Seems pretty even to me
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    Son Nguyen Son Nguyen
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 05:29 AM #Permalink
    Sorry, but stop hearing from one side :)

    Of course we didn't own all the bosses. But do you know where the hate come from? Livid was spawned, and there were 2 raid, 1 from Pandora, 1 from other guilds. Ofc we had a fight for it, and we won. Please put u in our situation, or do you mean we must kick our noob guildies to invite pro people? Sorry we can't do it like someone :)

    And in the same day, Legend spawned Ulric in Frozen Nest, ofc we won again, and let the noob guildies take the weapon. Sorry but we have lots of noob to feed, not just farm weapon for sale like u guys. And then they hated us because they can't defeat us. And I think u guys have even more donators than us, so don't blame about donators or not.

    Moreover, there're some people asked GM to summon boss for their own, I don't wanna mention here because they must know about it themselves. And there's someone who told me not to invite the noob when Darcy asked us to make an union before he spawned Ulric in Night Forest. Oh greedy, ofc all of us are greedy, lol.

    And ofc, we saw ppl who keep the boss for friends, even take hours to reflect it because they didn't want other to join, and I'm scare that your friends did it too, skategirl. But we didn't QQ for that.

    And that's why you should put world bosses in PVP map, to prevent people keeping them for a long time, because the GM can't be online in anytime.

    Sorry my post is off topic, but I just wanna reply skategirl's comment, because she/he's off topic too. After this comment I won't post any other off-topic comment.
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    Vulcan Vulcan
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 05:54 AM #Permalink
    @xskatergirlx and Tianiez
    I would love to have healthy discussion so please do not start a flame
    I will take your reply as a strongly offensive action on ME,myself and MY FELLOW GUILDIE PANDORA on purpose. You purposely went off topic to point your finger strongly as us and make us look bad in everyone's eyes. I have read every single reply in this topic very careful before reply, and of course I am a human so I cannot avoid missing point like I missed one with sakuragirl post. I am very disappointed in you who are a MOD of the forum but cannot keep the post healthy but started the flame on it. You should be ashamed of yourself. You said you have talked with Yasu about what happen, BUT DID YOU TALK TO ANY OF US FROM PANDORA FOR WHAT HAPPEN? (I want to mention this strongly for your taking 1 side story).

    And now for your opinon about our guild. WE PANDORA ALREADY READ WHAT YOU POST BEFORE YOU CHANGED IT. I would have to ask for an apology for what you have said to me and my fellow guildie. We are strongly feel offended by it. We have our guildie to provide equipment and weapon as well as any other guilds. Therefore hunting boss is nothing seem to be unreasonable for us to anyone's point of view. WE ARE NOT OWN BOSSES (this is a true fact and we admit it). However first come first serve, we do not need anyone permission to kill it or to keep it ( you may say it lame but we are not the only one who does or did that)

    For my next point, we are not selfish, we have our right to choose to invite late party or not. We have a system distribute loot for our guild members. Having others people join will mess our system loot up and have to change it to FFA(Free for all). You ask us to respect other guilds? I will reply to that this. If you are not respect our decision and how thing works for us, DO NOT ASK US TO RESPECT YOU BACK.

    For saying we do that all the time, please send up a proof, accusing us without any proof will make your post more offensive. We follow rules, we do not spawn kill people, we join your events, we do the same thing that everyone does. What make you think we are selfish? and greedy? Is there anyone in this game not greedy?

    For PvP map bosses, EVERYONE CAN TEAM UP TO GO AGAINST US and FIGHT TO WIN BOSSES. We do not make any rules that force people not to do that. I will say it clearly, EXCUSES ABOUT US BEING TOO OP and TAKE ALL BOSSES TO OUR OWN is TOTALLY WRONG. We have strong members, other guilds have their strong members too. However, they refuse to use their OP-ness to fight us fairly. Instead of that, they making excuses and send GMs complain to make their life much easier. Train your self, your team and fight us. We are always welcome players who have spirit come and PvP to learn and improve each others. We PvP because we want an improvement, not being boring sitting in town and act like pretty dolls or keep killing monster in dungeon/PvE over and over. 1 party cannot win against us? make 2 parties, still not enough? 3 parties (which will make a full raid 18 people)

    Last but not least, I agree with Tianiez about people asking GMs to spawn bosses/mini bosses from quests to help them have an easy life without camping for boss. We PANDORA spend time to camp for mini bosses/ world boss and finish the quest with effort. What have you done about it? Put yourself into our shoes and see how we feel? yet we have not complained about it until you purposely offended us from your previous post
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    Selka Selka
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 06:04 AM #Permalink
    I have read all posts and this makes me a little sad. I just joined NoScrubs Iris about a week ago, was accepted into Pandora with open arms, and have nothing but great experiences with them. It saddens me to to see the defamation of an entire guild based on these principles.
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    Mystery Mystery
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 11:06 AM #Permalink
    coz this post has too many words to read so here i will just reply: potato
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    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 11:18 AM #Permalink
    coz this post has too many words to read so here i will just reply: potato

    hahahaha I lolled
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    Allen Allen
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 11:25 AM #Permalink
    Vulcan, please read Sedy's post again carefully. I was not there. But i am talking with Yasu right now. And I am not sure if this is the same situation or not. But apparently there was 2 of you. 1 healer and another sitting there waiting for the rest of your guild. And Yasu's group had a full party.

    You can't hold the boss just for your guild if someone else's group is there to fight it. That is not Kill stealing.
    Pandora is NOT the only guild in this game. And you guys do not own it. You guys do this all the time. All you think about is yourselves.

    you are greedy and selfish. There are other guilds that play. Please be respectful to other people. Work with others. Not just amongst yourselves

    "Greedy and selfish". Pretty strong words you got there. On what basis are you saying that, again? Is it because we dominated you in Pk and beat you twice in PK maps for the bosses? Please explain what is so greedy about that. We geared up, we fought you guys fair and square. We won on both occasions under the same circumstances. You got healers, you got DPS, you get etc. What? You want us to intentionally lose and get raped so we can prove that we're loving and sharing? It's PK guys, you kill us or we kill you. The concept is simple.

    We gave the weapons that dropped to two newbies who needed them. We don't care who gets the gears. Our guildies are secured financially, in-game. I assure you that. None of this PK map boss ideas we bring up is for the sake of selling weapons and being the richest people in the server or trying to bully people. We're in it for the fun, for the competition of who truly deserves to bring down such powerful bosses. So instead of afking in terminus or spamming dungeons, we can go out to PVP maps and battle with everyone who are interested with the boss. You guys are the ones who took it personally and keeps bothering the gm's with drama and stuff. We never mind if gm's spawned you Livids and Ulrics in your little secret world and pass them off as "events". That's how much we don't care about the weapons.

    Let's just say for example you guys were the dominant guild in PK. Let's say you're the one kicking our asses. Would we even be having a discussion about this right now?


    I thought so.

    Pandora is NOT the only guild in this game.

    Yeah no shit. There's pegasus, there's tatakai, there's newgrounds, and many more happy guilds. We just happen to be active around PK that's all. We don't monopolize. We are not all online 24/7 if that's what you are afraid of. Our characters die too. I don't get why you guys keep referring to us as unstoppable immortal pk-fiends. We are not.

    Well it's obvious that all your talk about "making newbies happy," "sharing" or "bringing peace not war" and other hypocritical arguments you raise against the idea of bringing a bit of fun is all just a gesture of making us, Pandora, look bad. I knew your disagreement with the idea is not because you think it's wrong, but it's because you find yourselves screwed in the situation of confronting us in PK again. Because you need to keep feeding yourselves with money and stuff to keep your characters looking shiny and colorful without fighting for the gears you earn. I'm sorry but in my opinion, all your arguments against the idea are terribly invalid simply cause you don't care for the idea of the topic itself, you're just afraid to get owned again. And you just confirmed that after verbally accusing Pandora of being greedy and selfish without any real proof besides the fact you lose to us all the time, (even though you have like way more donators than us.) And that, ironically, is the greedy and selfish attempt of keeping things for yourselves.

    Non PVP map bosses - Ulric, Glaceon Frigid, Athelon. and 1 more.. im forgetting
    PVP map bosses - Sakun, Sraclone., Tundro, Lost Mysterion. Cringer, and Livid
    Seems pretty even to me

    This is not a territorial discussion. The topic on hand is why Ulric must be moved to a PVP map. Not how many bosses the pvp dudes have against the pve dudes. This is totally out of the question. This isn't Pokemon.
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    Darcel Darcel
    replied on Wednesday, April 11 2012, 11:49 AM #Permalink
    You guys are the ones who took it personally and keeps bothering the gm's with drama and stuff. We never mind if gm's spawned you Livids and Ulrics in your little secret world and pass them off as "events". That's how much we don't care about the weapons.

    Now I know I may be the main spawning GM. But how about you not make a false accusation. Originally people thought I was helping your guild out. I don't spawn for specific people I see the bodies of your mates on the ground just like everyone else.

    A lot of people are greedy not just your guild. Begging for items, costumes, and mobs. I do an event for people and I get asked again please GM do an event. I can get online to sit and chat with people. All it is now is people spamming me for stuff. So your not the only greedy guild there is.
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