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Sedy Admin Sedy
posted on Tuesday, October 04 2016, 10:01 AM in Updates
Sorry for the delay in posting this, I usually have it ready before I update.

You can now earn reputation with several different factions by killing monsters, completing quests and other tasks. Your reputation status will grant you different rewards, bonuses and access to vendor items depending on the faction.

The factions available in this update are Terminus and League of Athanor and in the next content update we will also have Pygmy Exiles and Port Plunder.


How to earn rep?
Completing existing Wanted Paper quests. These grant between 10 and 40 reputation depending on the level of the quest.
Completing Repeatable Reputation Quests that will be added in a mini-patch soon.

What are the rewards?
Access to Health and Mana Enhancement III alchemy recipes from Terrio Lowman.
Access to Physical, Magic and Healing Enhancement III alchemy recipes from Tobias the Grand.

Access to Health and Mana Enhancement IV alchemy recipes from Terrio Lowman.
Access to Physical, Magic and Healing Enhancement IV alchemy recipes from Tobias the Grand.

5% discount on all vendor items that cost Gold.
Access to Health and Mana Enhancement V alchemy recipes from Terrio Lowman.
Access to Physical, Magic and Healing Enhancement V alchemy recipes from Tobias the Grand.

10% discount on all vendor items that cost Gold.
More TBA.

League of Athanor
How to earn rep?
Completing battlefield related quests.
Completing battlefield daily quests.
Completing Repeatable Reputation Quests.
Winning battlefields.

What are the rewards?
Access to PvP Enhancement III, Advanced Navy, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Purple, Red, Green and Colorless Enhancement V.
Access to 100% Movement Speed 1.5s cast time battlefield mounts:
Brown Ferocious Lycan
Black Ferocious Lycan
Purple Ferocious Lycan
Blue Jurassic Stalker
Purple Jurassic Stalker
Orange Jurassic Stalker
Blue Mystic Saberwolf
Magenta Mystic Saberwolf
Black Mystic Saberwolf
Red Tribal Boar
Brown Tribal Boar
Purple Tribal Boar

Access to PvP Enhancement IV, Elixir of Courage IV, Blessings IV, Protection IV, Spirit IV and Injector of Muscle Movement IV.
Access to 100% Movement Speed 1.5s cast time battlefield mounts:
Righteous Mystic Lycan
White Mystic Lycan
Corrupt Mystic Lycan
White Jurassic Stalker
Green Jurassic Stalker
Yellow Jurassic Stalker
Sea Green Jurassic Stalker
Ice Cold Saberwolf
Prestigious Saberwolf

Access to PvP Enhancement V, Elixir of Courage V, Blessings V, Protection V, Spirit V and Injector of Muscle Movement V.


You can now use your Moolah to buy Runes that can be inserted into new slots on your mounts. Runes grant different bonuses like increased movement speed and immunites to debuffs.

Full information on the new rune system is here:

As well as upgrading your mount's speed, some of the immunity runes will bring another layer of strategy to using mounts to avoid debuffs in your fights, but as some of them could be considered overpowered, there is now a small chance to be knocked off your mount when taking damage.

It's something I was considering adding before I even thought about creating these runes so it will be for all mounts, not just those with runes. I am also considering adding a cooldown to mounts so you can't just remount instantly again when knocked off but I didn't want to hit you with too much at once - still considering.

Much of the interface has been given a light facelift, including the hero, target, party and raid frames. HP and MP bars are now thicker making the text much easier to read and the EXP/SXP bars have been reduced in size.


The raid interface has been reduced in size and cleaned up.

The NPC interface has been updated with larger buttons for all NPC services like Store, Exchange Store, Warehouse, Guild Warehouse etc. etc.

Buttons have been redone to give the interface a more consistent feel.

Added an Info button to the NPC Store interface. This will display the currently selected item in nsDB within the game (not in a browser window).

Dungeon Entry interface has been simplified and cleaned up.

Added a button to the Dungeon Entry interface that opens the Party Finder.

The Party Finder has been given an overhaul to make it easier to use. It can now be used for dungeon maps only so any options to set map type have been removed. You simply select the dungeon and the mode when creating a party entry or searching existing parties. It can now also be used to make parties for Vortex and Snow Mountain.

The quest journal has been updated with a new look as well as the NPC quest interface.


Fixed the alignment of text in several places throughout the UI, including listboxes.
Fixed the aligment of text selector images throughout the UI.
Fixed the aligment of +/- buttons in several places including the QuestTracker interface.

Fixed monster MP bar not getting updated until you cause some damage to them.

Fixed pet frame position not being saved when the client is closed.

Fixed the buttons on the Blacklist interface - they are now usable without switching from Blacklist to Revenge and back again.

Fixed a bug with the Pet Skillbook interface not showing the players current gold amount.

Added new /ping command. Type /ping into the chatbox to see your current latency in milliseconds. This is the amount of time it takes for your client to send the server a message and receive an answer, so it's a round-trip from you to the server and back again. Anything below 150ms is ok, anything above and you might experience some lag with skills, and rubber-banding with movement etc.

If you compare the /ping you get ingame to a ping done in the Windows Command Prompt you can tell if it's the server lagging or your internet. For example, your ping ingame is 300ms but your ping in the command prompt is 100ms it means the server is taking 200ms longer to answer your request. If they are within 20-30ms of each other then everything is working fine, so if you have 100ms command prompt ping, you should have around 120ms game ping.

Right now I have 89ms command prompt ping and 109ms ingame ping.

Added Pet DNA Booster to the mall. This item can be used when Splicing pet DNA at Avery Savannah and guarantees an Epic quality pet from the splicing.

Added new Shopping Mall potions that increase EXP/SXP gained from quests. They come in 10/20/30% variations and last for 12 hours. (EXP/SXP Potions have been renamed Monster EXP/SXP Potions so that it's clear they increase EXP/SXP gain from monsters only).

Added new Shopping Mall potions that increase Reputation gained from monsters and quests. They come in x2/x3/x4 variations and last for 12 hours.

Added new Sports Car mounts to the mall. These are 100% speed, 0s cast mounts and come in Red, Yellow, Blue and Green.


Added new Silver Sports Car Mk.1 mount to the mall. This is a 100% Speed, 0s cast mount.


Added Little Angel Halo and Little Demon Halo face costumes to the mall.

Added Chocolate Cat, Black Cat and Tabby Cat back costumes to the mall.

Fixed colors of feather effects of Ruby, Pearl, Corundum and Azure.

Added Symbol of Rage, Devoted, Agile (Pink), (Yellow), (Green) and (Amber) titles to the mall.


Added Symbol of Rage, Devoted, Agile (Peacock) titles to the mall.


Added Symbol of Rage, Devoted, Agile (Silver Fire) titles to the mall. This has a similar visual appearance to the Fire Pit title.


Added Symbol of Rage, Devoted, Agile (No Visual) titles to the mall. These titles have no visual effect.

Added several new exclusive pets to the mall and removed the previous ones.

Updated all potion consumable names and icons to use I, II, III, IV etc. instead of Lesser, Regular, Super etc. So now we have HP Potion I, II, III, IV, V and VI.
Changed the name of several battlefield injectors to Elixir since they have a duration and last through death. Injector name should only be used for consumables with a very short duration.
Casting Speed potion renamed to Elixir of Alacrity.
Attack Speed potion renamed to Elixir of Haste.
Flask of ... renamed to Elixir of...
Removed several unnecessary potions and scrolls from Kristin's store.

Fixed all premium mall potions to use realtime and not gametime, meaning they will expire 12 hours after being used, not after 12 hours of played time.

All gems from extracting (decomping) items have been renamed. Instead of Flawed, Flawless etc. they are now named with Regular, Superior, Major etc.

Decomp/Decompose/Decomping renamed to Extract/Extracting since decompose is a very bad translation from the original Korean client.

The amount of gems you receive from extracting an item has been adjusted and many high level items now give better quality gems. The prices that Barecalf charges have been increased to reflect this.

Fixed the incorrect names for several face costume glasses. Otaku Glasses are now Harry Potter Glasses and Harry Potter Glasses are now Half-Rimmed Glasses.

Nojacque no longer exchanges equipment cards but it was nice while it lasted.

Sandstorm Desert
Sandstorm Desert received a small revamp with some new music, terrain textures, sky, lighting etc. and new models mostly around the Oasis area.
Monster levels and stats have been increased slightly, ranging from 86-87.
Desert Foxes have moved out and Bigeyed Sand Snakes have taken their place.
A new quest notice board has been erected next to the entrance portal where you can pickup daily Wanted quests for free.
Several new NPCs can now be found around the map that will have new quests in the next major update.

Pandahama Island
Fixed several chests that could not be looted due to bad coordinates.
Adjusted the roaming range and positioning of a lot of monsters so they are not so bunched up.

Updated the battlefield level ranges. Players now need to reach level 40 before they start receiving battlefield invites. So the ranges are now 40-64, 65-74, 75-84, and 85.

Removed armor, weapons and accessories below level 40 from the battlefield vendors.

Battlefield mounts have been reduced in price to 400000BFP but are now 100% Speed with 1.5s cast time with 1 Azure Rune slot and require Friendly or Honored reputation status with League of Athanor. (Existing mounts already purchased before this change will remain the same 100% Speed 0s cast time with no reputation requirement and will also have one Azure Rune slot).

DNA Booster
You can now get a guaranteed Epic quality pet scroll from DNA Splicing by using a Pet DNA Booster. Place the booster item into the new slot in Avery Savannah's DNA Splicing interface and add your pet DNA and you will receive an Epic pet scroll guaranteed. Pet DNA Booster is available from the Shopping Mall.


New Pets
You can now collect pet DNA from Laioha's Dinosaur-Head Upvil, Wood Garden's Gerry, Temple of Atlantis' Arcturis, Golden Temple's Typhoonus and Mumu, Catacombs' Skerris and Skelly Archer and also Colossus Shadowfield's Cringer. Collect 3 pieces of DNA and combine for a brand new pet.

Bug Fixes and Changes
Fixed the bug where pets would not automatically return to you after their target died, instead standing like a lemon waiting for a command - they will now return immediately upon the target's death. This might not seem like much but it really does make a huge difference when farming with your pet on auto, so if you were less than impressed with melee pet usefulness whilst farming before, give them a try again.

Pets will now gain experience from monster kills and quest handins even when the player has Experience Gain turned off in Settings.

Fixed a bug where pets gained experience from players using EXP Recovery Cards.

Pets will now remind you more often (each time they gain a level) when they can be evolved, instead of just one time when they reach the desired level.

Removed the spammy MISS above the pet's target when it autoattacks and it's autoattack chance debuff effect doesn't get activated.

World boss (level 75+) stats have been adjusted. They now have reduced HP but increased Defense, Evasion and in some cases, Hit.

Some dungeon bosses and monsters (level 85+) stats have been adjusted. They now have reduced Magic Defense in line with Physical Defense and slightly higher Evasion.

Upcoming new world and dungeon bosses will likely be built with more defenses like Evasion and Protection instead of massive amounts of HP meaning player Hit and Crit rating will be more important than ever.

EDIT 06/10/16
I forgot to mention something about bosses.

Because we used to have a few player skills that did percentage based damage over time (DoT), most dungeon and world bosses were setup with immunities to percentage based DoTs. This had the negative effect of breaking the percentage based heals that some bosses have.

In this update those immunities have been removed, so any bosses that have percentage heals, or spawn other monsters that heal them, will now work again.

Fixed a bug with reviving from death on Orange named maps forcing you to respawn instead of reviving on the spot.

Fixed a bug with monster's Protection stat. They were unable to gain Protection from self-buffs and the general amount of Protection they get by default has been increased slightly. This will probably only be slightly noticable on bosses for most players.

Fixed a bug with the PK prison system allowing players to leave by entering battlefields. You will no longer receive battlefield invites whilst in prison.

Fixed issue sometimes allowing a player to participate in the quiz whilst in a dungeon.

I think that's about it for the important stuff guys, but I made so many small changes to interfaces and texts throughout the game so there are bound to be some things I missed here.

If you have any problems or find something amiss, please let me know so I can fix asap.

Several assistant skill recipes that were untradable are now tradable including the alchemy and cooking recipes dropped on Pandahama Island and Golden Temple, including the rare ones.
Added the Potion of Power IV and Potion of Passion IV to the battlefield vendors - not sure why it wasn't already on there.
Removed a lot of Alchemy recipes that are available from vendors from the Circus monster droplist.
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There is something else to say, it's tough to get points and reputation when you keep losing Battlef
1 week ago
Thank you! And also can you make a requirement for joining in the event? Like 20lvl or above. Ther
1 week ago
Yeh it's a good idea. I will look into it
1 week ago
Sedy wrote: They should have ended tomorrow, not today, my bad. I will extend them until Sunday.
1 month ago