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Sedy Admin Sedy
posted on Sunday, May 28 2017, 05:45 AM in Updates
Fixed the Crystalisk Deathspark domes - they will now properly protect you from Deathspark damage. Also added an additional dome to the 3rd Deathspark so there are two in all Deathspark phases now.

Made some minor adjustments to Dead Man's Peak monster skills that were not working quite as intended and gave some trash/spawned monsters immunity to slowing effects.

Neothelid will now spawn adds slightly faster with an additional sleeper + they will be closer to the boss and their heal is stronger and has a longer range. Neothelid will also heal more from it's ranged attack - depending on how much damage it does.

Mamenoch's Mindflay now heals him based on the damage done to any players it hits.
Reduced several Mamenoch debuff's efficiency to 11.

Avatar of Archane's aoe skills now heal him depending on the damage done to any players they hit.

Fixed a bug with immunity on skills, wearing cards and monster transformations allowing them to immunise against efficiency 99 debuffs. Debuffs with an efficiency of 99 are not meant to be removable or avoidable.

Just so it's clear how debuff efficiency works:

Debuff Efficiency 1-10:
Used by most player skills and monster skills

Can be avoided by wearing cards with immunity, monster transformations with immunity, mount runes with immunity, class skills with immunity, and removed with dispel potions and several class skills including Prophet circles and the healer classes' single target dispels (Weakened Dismissal, Augment Dismissal, Antidote etc.).

Efficiency 11:
Used by some dungeon monsters and bosses

Can be removed by healer's dispel skills only. Final ranks of Prophet's Weakened Dismissal 2, Augment Dismissal 2, Antidote 2, and final rank of Saint's Weakness Dispel, Augment Dispel, and Toxicant Dispel.

Efficiency 99:
Used by bosses
Cannot be removed or immunised against. They are specifically used to make the encounter more difficult.
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Savanna wrote: I don't know if I'm misunderstanding what you mean, but it's being transferred
2 days ago
Thanks! On windows 11, I had to go to Settings->System->Display->Graphics Custom options for apps, t
6 days ago
It's the generated terrain that is not rendering the textures by the looks of it. All the other stuf
6 days ago
It's back up now
1 week ago