posted on Tuesday, November 18 2014, 12:38 AM in General Chat
I cant see the menu bar of website, I think someone asked this question before but the thing is when I go to Search and try to type in the "Please enter something to search." it wont let me type =w=. I tried to restart computer and still the same :/
replied on Wednesday, November 19 2014, 03:54 PM #Permalink
Hehe no problem. The site is actually designed to be responsive like that - if you reduce the width of your browser to certain widths, things start moving around or disappearing completely. It's mainly for mobiles and tablets but also if you hit a certain width, a lot of stuff will be removed, it's for the ingame browser to show nsdb without the rest of the site, menus and stuff
replied on Wednesday, November 19 2014, 04:10 AM #Permalink
Erm......!! This is going to sound very retarded but the problem is solved ._.
The thing is that I do many stuff at the same time in my computer and I have my browsers always half of screen, I moved now the width of brower, made it bigger and the menu appeared.... now I make the width shorter again and the menu wont disappear no matter how short I make it so I dont understand why it happened but menu is back lol.......
I clear cache and even restarted computer twice and nothing until I changed width lol .-.
replied on Tuesday, November 18 2014, 03:29 PM #Permalink
Which menubar do you mean? The black one at the very top? You can't see it at all, or just some menu items are missing?
What browser are you using? I know with Chrome it sometimes bugs out if you were logged in for a very long time because the session runs out but it doesn't show you logged out properly for some reason. To fix it you just need to logout and log back in again, but if you can't see the menu at all you will just need to clear your browser cache like Cie wie mentioned.