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Button Mount-Mini Guide!

A guide to mounts available in Iris NoScrubs with pictures.

Battlefield specific:

1. Blue Mystic SaberWolf.
2. Jurassic Stalker.
3. Red Tribal Boar.
4. Lycan.
5. Black Ferocious Lycan.
thbluearmoredsaberwolf.jpg thjurassicstalker.jpg thRboar.jpg lycan.jpg thBFlycan.jpg

1. Purple Ferocious Lycan.

Specific: (Shushu=EVENT (XMAS) )
1. Rainbow Owl.
2. Christmas Sleigh.
3. Blue Mane wild Horse.
4. White Mane Wild Horse.
5. Purple Mane Wild Horse.
thrainbowowl.jpg thchristmassleigh.jpg thbluehorse.jpg thWhorse.jpg thPhorse.jpg

1. Yellow Green Ju-Ju Bird.
2. Stone Egg Golem.
3. Blue Scaled Seahorse.
4. Red Scaled Seahorse.
5. Golden Scaled Seahorse.
thYGjuju.jpg thsgolem.jpg thbseahorse.jpg thRseahorse.jpg thGseahorse.jpg

1. Magic Broom.
2. Amber Ghost Bat.
3. Dusky Ghost Bat.
4. Christmas Reindeer. (XMAS EVENT)
thmagicbroom.jpg thabat.jpg Dbat.jpg thCreindeer.jpg

Pegasus And Juju.
1. Pink Pegasus.
2. Black Pegasus
3. Yellow Ju-Ju Bird.
4. Gray Ju-Ju Bird.
5. Purple Ju-Ju Bird.
thpegasus.jpg thbpegasus.jpg thyellowjuju.jpg thgjuju.jpg thPjuju.jpg

1. Red Ember Vroom Bike.
2. Black Charred Vroom Bike (Vroom Bike Ver.1)
3. Bloody Nightmare.
4. Emerald Nightmare.
5. Sunset Gryphon.
thREbike.jpg thvroom.jpg thbloody.jpgthemerald.jpg thSgryphon.jpg

1. Black Hero Excellant Steed.
2. Wild Snow Bear.
Bsteed.jpg thwbear.jpg

General gameplay:
1. Armored Flaming Sabercat.
2. Armored Azure Sabercat.
3. Armored Subzero Sabercat.
3. Black Happy Jax Cat.
4. Purple Happy Jax Cat.
thsaberwolf.jpg Aazure.jpg thAScat.jpg thblackkitty.jpg thPurplecat.jpg

1. Brown Happy Jax Cat.
2. Grey Bobble Horse.
3. Brown Bobble Horse.
4. Magenta Bobble Horse.
5. Pink Grassland Spider Crab.
thbrowncat.jpg thgreybobble.jpg thBbobble.jpg thmagentabobble.jpg thpinkcrab.jpg

1. Cruel Tiger Spider Crab.
2. Legendary Elk.
3. Legendary Sun Elk.
4. Surprised Pandan Wagon.
thcruelcrab.jpg thLelk.jpg thlSelk.jpg thSpandan.jpg

Credits to users of gpot iris, wouldn't of been easy without them!

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