Chapter six is somewhat long but i hope you enjoy!
Feet crunched in the snow, making the walk slightly discomforting. Bite’s paws sank deep into the snow, melting between his toes and soaking into his fur. He growled in annoyance and shook his paws to relieve them of some water. Xertini stumbled alongside him, chattering her teeth. Kage looked back at her and said with mild amusement
“You two seem to be having fun, but you look like you are at your limit. We can always go back and hope for the best.”
He knew he sounded cold hearted but it worked. Xertini gave him the bird and stormed past him with new determination. xMori whistled and yanked Xertini back as she almost blew past him. They ducked under a bridge that led out into a frozen lake. Bite tried to sneak under with them but the bags and his size wouldn’t allow it. Xertini motioned him to the forest and he sped through to the underbrush just as they heard thundering footsteps. OnlyYours signaled to them all to be silent as the footsteps went by them. Someone walked on the bridge and stopped at where paperheart was laying. She was shoved into the snow and was turning light blue. OnlyYours touched her shoulder, trying to warm her. A gravely voice sounded from above.
“There has been no sign of the trespassers. The soldiers will continue on the pursuit. Once found I will destroy them for you my liege.”
Another voice sounded from a further distance
“Very well. We can’t have these….pests….going around spilling Aquarius’ secrets. It would be a burden should all our years of planning go up in smoke because of a group of pesky children.”
Xertini felt her face grow hot and xMori gave her a stern look that clearly said ‘don’t do anything stupid’. The weight lifted off of paperheart as the figure moved on. She took a big gasp of air and then they were found. The bridge was torn up by a gigantic blue bear. Everyone scrambled to their feet as the bear approached them. Xertini saw icy swords pointed at them and before any of the others knew what was happening, she had blown the blades and their wielders away. A sudden scream let out as the bear grabbed paperheart into his mighty fist. OnlyYours held the others back as the bear spoke to them in its gravely tone
“You have encroached upon our training grounds and must die. I will rip you all apart slowly!”
With this, the bear began to slowly pull on paperhearts arm. Bite shot out of the forest and lunged at the bears open toes. He roars in agony and chases the cat, letting go of paperheart. She screamed as she fell and suddenly her descent slowed. xMori slowly let his Cyclone skill bring her to safety. Xertini and OnlyYours battled with the never ending sea of ice soldiers. OnlyYours looked to her left and saw at least one hundred soldiers gathered together. She felt her stomach twist as she saw them fuse and create a large being. It was a large woman with snowy skin and she had horns. Her hair was frozen in a way like she had been caught on a windy day. She slammed her scepter into the ground and a large flashing symbol appeared below OnlyYours and Xertini. They both jumped out of the way as the ground exploded, showering the area with ice chunks. Kage had snuck behind the newly created monster and flung his sword into her back. She yelled loudly, her voice sounding like breaking glass, and she turned on him. She stabbed at him with her scepter and he blocked it. As he blocked the attack, he summoned his pet saber tooth. It leaped up the woman’s scepter and bit her neck. The cat jumped from the monster, running down her back and retrieving Kage’s sword first. She impaled his saber tooth and it shattered into pieces. She slammed the side of the scepter into his sword and sent him flying. He fell and grunted as he felt his hand twist. He peered out of the corner of his eye to see the woman raise her scepter. xMori grabbed the blue bears toe and teleported them both backwards into the womans path. She could withdraw her scepter fast enough and stabbed the bear. It roared in despair and melted away, leaving behind a large chest with a purple glow. xMori opened it and removed a pulsating medal called ‘Sakuns Heart’. Xertini and OnlyYours continued dispatching the endless rush of ice soldiers. Xertini collapsed to her knee’s but continued casting. The soldiers stopped coming and they turned to their left. The group reassembled by OnlyYours and Xertini. An elf was walking towards them, her feet freezing whatever they touched. She fixed them with her icy blue gaze and asks in a chilling tone
“What are you doing here?”
Before anyone could stop her Xertini shot off
“None of your business. Why are you helping Aquarius? Who do you think you are trying to kill a group of travelers?”
xMori smacked his forehead and the rest just let out exasperated sighs. The icy elf flung her hand, throwing icicles at Xertini. Xertini created a large wall of fire, burning them. As the fire died down, Xertini shot the elf a smug look before xMori’s hand came down on her head. She glared at him and yelled
“Quit throwing your power all about! CONTROL CHILD CONTROL!”
“Why are you lecturing me at a time like this!”
Xertini returned to her feet, wobbling a bit. She switched her gaze back to the other elf who astonishingly did not attack them while they had bickered. She looked down at the ground with glimmering eyes as she said
“I only worked for Aquarius in the hope my people will stay safe.”
OnlyYours watched her warily, never putting her Ephyra staff away as she asked
“Who are you?”
The elf looked up and said
“I am Yuukino, Guardian of the Snow. You freed us from Aquarius’ General.”
She motioned to the medal in xMori’s hand as she continued
“He has many creatures like Sakun, forcing many people of the land to do his bidding.”
Xertini rushed foreward and asked quickly, her voice echoing strong hope
“You know where Aquarius hides?”
Yuukino shook her head, her icy headdress tinkling. Xertini looked down to her feet and murmured a ‘thank you’. She began to walk away towards the next gate when Yuukino says
“But I know where you can find a wonderful Deus ex Machina. She’ll be of more help to you than I would and it’s the least I can do to repay you for freeing us.”