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Haxula Haxula
posted on Tuesday, January 16 2018, 11:12 AM in Game Suggestions
Decarding of items:
It will be a gamble type with sucess and failure.
Sucess would give card and destroy item,
Failure would destroy both,

Decarding would require an item that would be valuable enough to make people contemplate on the attempt either an expensive moolah item or a rare drop of a raid boss

Decarding will also not be possible to untradable and items that cannot be sealed.

basically its a gamble with a backwards goal that is only attractive to old players... which is actually not a good thing.
Responses (13)
  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 10:02 PM #Permalink
    also for my lvl 85 cq gears it took me close to a year to get those gears i carded those full alsstats as well now they are obsolete and wasted i ended up using those gears as at armor npc to make lvl 100 gears look pretty. another 200$ down the drain.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 07:27 PM #Permalink
    Ray Darkwolf wrote:

    XD Ill be happy with any type of system if its worthwhile Sedy HAHAHAH

    Lol @Leric =)) :D :D :D :D

    its this mentality that everything should be very hard to get, cost so much and impossible to trade and take years to accomplish that is slowly pushing many away from this game.
    there is no more just enjoying the game anymore its all grind no play.

    work your butt off to either pay for something with real money or grind for years only to get it then not like it or realize its stats suck then cant trade it or just have to delete it cause it cannot be transferred to another item or player.
    :( boo
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 07:55 PM #Permalink
    i myself have been victim to this so many times.. i collected the wrong lvl 100 set for one of my characters a while back carded it then realized the other set would benefit my character more and instantly regretted it.
    now im stuck with lvl 100 gear with allstats all through it that i cannot trade to another player, put on another character, or even sell to someone else.(expensive i pay real money for stats) and you want to give me a % chance to get maybe 1 card back if i spend more money? hahah sombody has jokes
    and the game might seem so much better for GM's that can switch their cards and gears out to whatever they like when they like but for normal players this being stuck with this sucks horrible.
    so now im at a point i really dont want to play the game anymore cause it will cost so much to card this set and im stuck with it and it sucks.
    with this one mistake i made i went from a fulltime player to i dont want to play much anymore at all just to do this all over again.
    this happens alot i had fullallstat 30 player before lvl 85 cap increase (at least i could give those gears to an alt or sell them) but unless you are a camper there is no reason to even keep those gears at all and if you think about it there is no reason to allstat any gears at all anymore.
    for me there is no point in farming/grinding the gears anymore it takes too long with no payoff and now its even worse with needed reputation for some geari mean i grinded the game endlessly for 7 years and max level not to mention i grinded the points to get those crappy gears isnt that reputation enough? shouldnt i be able to trade those crappy gears i grinded 2 years to get?
    i log once or twice a week to collect tears do couple bf matches maybe help with a dungeon or two then done till i peek back in to see how everyone is doing in a week or two or someone asks for help on fb.
    anywho thanks for listening.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 10:30 PM #Permalink
    grinding in a game is NOT fun.. its work...
    if a game is only grind like iris and you have issues like the above mentioned it makes it punishing to even play.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 11:07 PM #Permalink
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Wednesday, January 17 2018, 12:11 AM #Permalink
    Ive always like the idea of this but its been asked many many times and always been a no.

    i think it would be great to be able to decomp an item and get its cards back or take the weapon to npc and pay to remove the cards kind of like in diablo 3.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Haxula Haxula
    replied on Wednesday, January 17 2018, 01:00 AM #Permalink
    Well the difference to those games to this is that cards on those are hard to get while cards on iris work best as consumable thats why this would be only be good if the failing chance is high and the requirement is valuable
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 12:33 PM #Permalink

    Umpity is right about it being suggested a lot in the past and the answer always being a flat out no, but most of the previous suggestions were always about simply removing cards with no risk or penalty.

    I can see some pros of doing something like this though.
    + Player has chance to get a decent card back from their old gears.
    + Less stale unused gear taking up inventory space because player doesn't want to throw it away because it has good cards in it.
    + Player more likely to upgrade if they can at least get something back from the old stuff.
    + Server still gets a moolah transaction (even if small) for the item required to remove the card.

    - Player will not be happy if the item is destroyed, but as long as it's worded clearly that this might happen it's fine.
    - Server loses possible sale of card(s).
    ------- I have to code it :P
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 03:53 PM #Permalink
    to be honest i would prob never use this if it were only a chance thing tho it reminds me too much of retail with a chance to break your item when lvling it (retail left a bad taste in my mouth)...
    if it were included in decomposition process at barecalf at 100% chance would be cool tho even if for a small price cause to be honest this process would only be beneficial for allstat cards if it comes with a price tag on it.
    i have deleted so many gears stacked with allstat 24's & 30's im numb to it now tho.
    i think a better thing would be if we could upgrade our weapons and just keep the same weapon from lvl 75 just upgrade it to lvl 100stats etc that way you get to keep your cards your weapon looks etc.

    with everything else in game so complicated and grindy to get, use, trade etc why not tho it will just add another layer of obsfucation to everything as a whole hahah.
    my whole perception of this tho that before ingame moolah quests some of us spent alot of real money on these cards and items and ive always been of the mentality if i paid for it i should be able to do with it as i wish it ..take it out of a gear ..put it in another gear etc. its kind of getting old with same system that is always stringent on trading items and stuff getting even more stringent (now you cannot even trade most lvl 100 gears so if you card it and dont like it you are stuck with an expensive paperweight.
    i think iris would do well to do away with the not tradable ordeal and just let ppl do what they want with the gear they earned either through years of grinding, or bought with real money etc. or at least make it tradable on same account so they can use it on another character instead of sitting in warehouse as garbage.
    this way people could just enjoy playing the game instead of being frustrated all the time (maybe thats just me).
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 04:33 PM #Permalink
    I dun want the unable to decompose the untradable items. Because new items 100 and some older main ones (especially BF and CQ ones which we do still have and are super carded) are all untradable

    Agreed on the concept of having failure and breaking the item though I also suggest its just 1 item to buy to moolah shop and has % chance to give the cards?

    L85 BF Brace w/ 4 Stat VI cards
    70% 1 Card
    40% 2 Card
    10% 3 Card
    3% 4 Card
    Item will break upon use
    Item has chance to not give anything
    Price maybe 100 or 120? moolah each

    Im a bit concerned if its too pricey? Considering that most people will probs use this on VI cards and those are all untradable so there is close to no selling factor unless they put it on older gear. For 100 though, its all mostly untradable to this point XD Dunno if thats gonna change!

    I honestly like this idea if implemented well XD Gluck Sedy o/ :D
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sedy Admin Sedy
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 04:43 PM #Permalink
    I wouldn't mind it working on untradable items because as you say, it's mostly those you would use it on anyway. At least tradable items with cards you have the option of selling on to somebody else, so it's most likely untradable items you would want to use such a feature on.

    I think the original idea of just 1 card rather than chance for more. That way you could actually choose the card you want back. If it were chance for all cards at decreasing amounts you might have one crappy card in an item and end up getting that back :D

    No idea on how much the item should cost at this point but it wouldn't be that expensive since it's a gamble if it even works. Maybe something like 20 moolah with a 50/50 chance of working and getting the card back or losing the entire item.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Umpity Umpity
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 05:08 PM #Permalink
    if we already paid for the item (card, weapon, gear) etc why charge us again for a % chance to get back something we already paid for tho?
    not cool imho.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Ray Darkwolf Ray Darkwolf
    replied on Thursday, January 18 2018, 05:35 PM #Permalink
    XD Ill be happy with any type of system if its worthwhile Sedy HAHAHAH

    Lol @Leric =)) :D :D :D :D
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